Sunday, 2 August 2015

Bathroom bug nightmare!

I know I'm that person that freaks out and is all dramatic over a little itty bitty spider, but this time I'm not being irrational and I'm not exaggerating.

Anyways, story time!

So about 2 or 3 nights ago (I don't remember), I was in the bathroom wiping off my makeup. It was like 2am (I was still awake because I'm a night owl). I've just cleaned one eye and had started on the other when all of the sudden I saw this black blur cross my vision. Since I was wiping my eyes, everything was blurry and I couldn't see anything. Quickly, I grabbed a fistful of toilet paper to clean my eyes and so that I could actually see. My heart was now in my throat because I was like what the fuck was that?!

I kid you not, this big-ass bug, like a little under an inch and a half, fell out of nowhere and fell into the sink in front of me. I still don't know what kind of bug that was but I don't want to know; it was ugly and big and black-red-brown-ish. I think maybe it was a cockroach, but I don't know for sure.

Now I was screaming on the inside. Holy shit! Holy shit! What the hell?! I couldn't freak out and scream out loud because everyone was asleep. There I was silent-screaming, heartbeat in throat, and sweating like I just exercised. Oh my goodness, what do I do? Ewwww!!!!!!!!! I thought about killing it with the tissue I was using to clean my eyes, but I didn't want to leave my hand exposed. What if I went in to squish it and it jumped onto my hand or something?

Okay, where the fuck is the rubber glove! I know my mom stores rubber gloves somewhere in the bathroom for cleaning. I frantically searched the drawers like a mad person, and I found the glove. Everything from the beginning till now happened in 10 seconds. I put the glove on my right hand and it didn't fit right. I grabbed the left glove, but whatever, I ain't got time to be perfect.

Now with the glove on, I grabbed the toilet paper and tried to kill the bug. But I don't know if it was because I was so scared or if it was made of steel, but the bug just wouldn't die. I was freaking the fuck out. Oh my God! Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried squishing it under the toilet paper like 5 times, and every time I lifted the paper, I had a mini heart attack because it would jump back up and try to crawl out of the sink.

It was halfway up the sink and I was on the verge of shitting myself. I quickly turned on the tap (why didn't I think of that sooner?!) and washed it down the drain. But for the first 3 seconds, it clung onto the edge of the sink flange thing and I thought for sure it was going to kill me before I could kill it. Then it was washed away, I guess it wasn't that strong after all. I kept the water going for another few minutes in case it was clinging onto the wall of the pipe and would crawl out once the water stopped. Then I put in the sink plug and filled the sink with water, and then let all the water go flooding down the drain. I know I wasted a lot, like way too much water, but it was an emergency!

I still have absolutely no freaking idea where it came from. Every time I go into the bathroom, or any room for that matter, I ALWAYS check the walls, ceiling, and floor for bugs (because I'm that paranoid). I went into the bathroom that night and all the walls, everything, was clean. My theory is that the ugly-ass bug came down from the vent thing in the ceiling of the bathroom. It's the only theory that makes sense. I've never seen that kind of bug in the house or anywhere, so it probably accidentally fell out of the vent. But the vent thing wasn't directly over the sink; it's directly over where you'd stand to be in front of the sink. Get what I'm saying? The stupid, gross bug probably FELL ON MY HEAD FIRST BEFORE LANDING IN THE SINK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since that nightmarish experience, I haven't stood directly under the vent thing unless I absolutely had to. I am traumatized! I can never go into the bathroom again without being paranoid about another bug falling on my head and scaring me shitless.


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