Friday, 7 August 2015

Buying addiction

Oh my goodness! I almost forgot to write today's blog post because I was too busy looking at stuff online. Seriously though, online shopping is addictive and disgusting, and I love it!

I have never, in my life, ever bought this much stuff in such a short time span. I've been on a shopping rampage for the past few weeks! If I had a YouTube channel, I would literally be doing haul videos every single fucking day; I've bought that much.

I don't know what's gotten into me. It's like school's over (high school is over forever), I'm working more hours, and suddenly I feel like I've won the lottery and am buying everything left and right.

It's uncontrollable. Every time I tell myself I am going to stop NOW! I see something else on sale and I'm like well, it is on sale.... so... just one more thing! I promise! "I promise" my ass. I've told myself "just one more thing" every day for the past few days.

But it's not my fault literally everything is on sale right now! I can't help it! There is sale after sale after sale! *sighs unnecessarily loud*

Just when I think I've gained some control, they pull me right back. It's like drugs (like blue crystal). I buy ONE thing that's on sale, and suddenly I'm hooked and addicted beyond repair. It's not like I have a lot of money to spare, in fact I'm going broke, but I keep thinking I have a money tree or something. Like every day, I'll go out, pick some ripe bills off my money tree and go shopping like there's no tomorrow.

I keep trying to justify that I'm buying this stuff for a good reason. Back to school stuff... Yes! exactly! I need a new bag. And shoes. And clothes. And maybe laptop? I just cleared out my shoes shelf/closet/I don't know what it's called. And I kid you not, everything does not fit and I only have 2 pairs of shoes (a pair of Converses and a pair of running shoes), that's it. Okay then... I don't have shoes, and I need shoes, so just one pair! Oh but wait! That one's on sale too! Just 2. 2! Seriously. I need to be more active but I don't have anything to track my activity. I'll just get a Fitbit Flex. It's still cheap... Right? Well, it's just one though... I've never had my own camera before... I should probably invest in one. But if I'm going to buy one, might as well not get a crappy one and get a decent one. Oh! That one is on sale! I have to get that now! 

My excuses get lamer and lamer every time. I can't even handle myself.

Pull me out of this sludge! Please!!!

I've turned into a monster! I don't even know myself anymore. The old me would never buy stuff on a daily basis. Who am I? 


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