Sunday 19 July 2015

Super nice or borderline creepy?

So yesterday my mom and I went to the new outlet mall in my area, and there's this ice cream shop (actually, I can't really call it an "ice cream" shop). The ice cream is advertised as 0% dairy, but it's not sorbet. It also says that it's plant-based. So what is it???

I go in to the ghetto store (it was undecorated and looked like an empty storage room, with a curtain leading to the kitchen that looked like it led to some kind of secret drug lab), and there were 3 guys working there (2 young guys and an older man). Judging by how similar the 2 guys looked and how little people worked there, I thought this must be a family business, which means the older man is either their dad or uncle or something.

So I was looking at the menu- the flavours were super weird, and hell, I didn't even know what was in the ice cream. What even does "plant based ice cream" mean?

It said somewhere that there was a limit of 2 samples per person. So I had to choose wisely. Just as I've decided, the older man (the dad? Uncle?) was like hey, how can I help you? I walked up and first thing he did was lean forward with his elbow on the counter, and ask where my hat was from. I was wearing one of those black hats with a large brim (like the ones "hipster" people wear). So I was like it's from H&M. The conversation continued, and he asked for how much, and I told him about $30-ish. Then he misheard me and thought I said $3, and we laughed for like 3 seconds and then in my head I was like that's enough social interaction, I'm tired.

So I asked for my sample. He was like great choice, that's a good one. Then he went over and as he was scooping up a small sample, he was kind of dancing (like shaking his butt/hips (?) and bouncing lightly on his feet). It was kind of, really, weird. This 40 something, maybe 50 year old, man was dancing like that.

He gave me my sample, and as I was trying it, he stared at me intently. Oh man, that was uncomfortable. I didn't really want to buy anything, but he kept staring at me like he was waiting for me to order or something. I couldn't leave, so I asked for another sample, hoping he'd think that I was annoying or still deciding and maybe give me my sample and move on. Instead of the teeny tiny sampling of "ice cream", he gave me a really big sample of it. Like I mean big, heaping over the tiny wooden spoon. That was too generous. But I took it, free samples are free things and you always take free things.

I tried the second sample and he asked how I liked it. I didn't want to be rude so I said it was good (even though it was mango flavoured and I hate mangoes). Just as my mom and I were about to try to slowly creep out of the store without him noticing, he came back with another sample for me to try. Uh, hello, I had 3 samples. That's over the limit. Creepily generous or super nice? I don't know...

Oh shit, now I have to buy something... So I ordered a cone, and he gave it to me with a slightly creepy smile. Then I went to pay and as I was paying, he was still dancing/bouncing and it was getting really weird. My mom paid for the ice cream (because me poor) and he was like thank you mom! in a creepy voice, though come to think of it, his voice sounded creepy the whole time we interacted.

Oh please, let me out already! And we dashed out.

I couldn't tell if that older man (who was possibly a dad) was just naturally talkative and super nice or if he was some creepy old man hitting on girls. Sometimes it's just hard to tell the difference between nice and creepy. Society has drilled into girls that they should be careful around older guys because they could be creepers, so now I am always cautious. I don't want to be mean or cold when someone is just genuinely trying to be nice, but at the same time, I don't want to be nice to someone who is a creeper and encourage them. Honestly, why can't everyone just be genuinely nice and why can't there not be creepers out there?

Maybe it doesn't sound as creepy through my words, but if you were in my situation, you'd be uncomfortable.


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