Friday 19 September 2014

I like their music, not their faces

So I've got this dilemma: I really want to go to the 5 Seconds of Summer concert, but I don't want to go because of the other fans.

Let me explain the latter reason, because you're probably thinking what the heck do you mean.

So when I first heard "She looks so perfect" I didn't want to admit it was a good song because I thought it was by some boy band, but damn it was good! It was stuck in my head the whole day, especially the in my American Apparel underwear part (why that part you ask... I don't know). Then later that day I went home and was on tumblr, and most of my dashboard was of 5SOS pictures (but at the time I didn't know, because I didn't know what 5SOS looked like), and I was like, who are these guys? why are they everywhere! Then it's like something clicked in my head, and I realized those guys in the pictures that are all over tumblr are 5SOS. (Stupid right! How could I have not known!).

Anyways, I started listening to their songs and fell in love with their music. I thought wow! They're not like 1 Direction. (Because my initial thought was they're the next 1 Direction.) So now that I love their music, I want to go to their concert! But I'm kinda cynical about it, because their fan base is sorta throwing me off.

I'm not saying that their fans suck or whatever (that's not what I'm saying at all). But I feel like most of their fans (especially the girls) only like them because of their looks. And I'm not saying they aren't good looking, because they are, but most girls want to go to their concert because of their pretty faces, or because they'll be breathing the same air as them or be in the same room as them. I don't know... I just don't feel like that's a good reason to go to their concerts and stuff.

And that's why I don't want to go. Because I don't want to be surrounded by crying, swooning girls (not that that's bad or anything, I'm not judging, I swear).... I want to go to their concert for their music, but I think it'll be hard to enjoy it with fainting, crying, screaming girls everywhere....

I don't know, maybe I'm just weird and I don't know how to fan-girl over 5SOS like the other girls...


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