Wednesday 17 September 2014

Why are you so picky?

 I just need to vent about something that's been aggravating me for so long!

Has anyone else had someone (especially a relative) tell them they're so picky when it comes to eating, and that they're skinny because of it?? Or is it just my family?

Growing up, I was a pretty picky eater; even now, I'm still quite picky, but I'm getting better (I think). Part of the reason why I'm so picky is because I'm not open to trying new foods. I'm worried I'll have some kind of allergic reaction or trigger my gag reflex or something... Which are both very unlikely, but still...

Whenever I go out to eat with my family or friends, and I just so happen to not like what they want to eat, I get victimized, especially when I eat with relatives. They always go like: Why are you so picky? You barely eat anything EVER! No wonder you're so skinny. Then they look at me weirdly, waiting for me to answer why I'm so picky, why I'm so skinny. Like, what do you want me to say? Oh, I'm so skinny because my metabolism is high and I'm picky because that's just how I am. I'm sorry that inconveniences you. Seriously. They stare until I answer with my classic response to the questions, I DON'T KNOW. And then they're all like I don't get you or that's not a good excuse, but worst of all, sometimes they don't say anything to me and just insult me under their breath, which I always seem to catch.

But having them tell me I'm picky isn't even the worst part. The part I hate the most is when they have to add the fact that my younger brother eats anything and everything, and be like why can't you be more like your brother? He eats everything and tries anything. I can't be more like my brother because I'm not my brother, you idiots! I don't know, maybe they favor him because he's a boy, I mean my family, or at least my relatives, are traditional (and by that I mean they tend to be bias towards the guys of the family).

I don't like trying new things and I'm picky when it comes to food, and people have got to learn to accept that, but they can never seem to change their bigoted thoughts. I don't get why it's so hard to understand that I'm picky and I don't try new things. Like, please, that's just how I am, so leave me alone!

Eating with other people is such a struggle!


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