Saturday 4 April 2015

Being the mess I am

I think about a few weeks ago, or a month or two ago (I don't remember...), I wrote about how I'm super disorganized... Well, my habit of disorganization has struck again.

Tax season is upon us, I'm sure many of you are aware. I stupidly thought that I didn't have to do taxes or anything of that sort, even though I have a job, and I just dropped everything and didn't think about it. Mistake one: thinking that nothing applies to me if I don't think about it.

My job place/boss/the company I work for (?) hands out payslips biweekly, and I get payslips every 2 weeks. Now, up to this point in time, I thought payslips were useless, I didn't need to look at them ever, and they were sort of a waste of paper. But little did I know, I need them to do my taxes... Haha! I'm so stupid.

I've got payslips every fucking where. I don't even know where to start looking. I've never collected my payslips on time, and most often than not, I leave them at work, because I always think hey, they're not important, I don't need them. Well, now I need them.

I don't know much about doing taxes and luckily my mom's gonna do it for me (thank the stars) but when she asked to see my payslips, I was like um... uh... you want one or all of them? and she was like I need to see all of them to double check something important and I thought to myself oh great, I hope she doesn't need all of them, because she's not going to get all of them. So I was like okay, and went to get them. I had a small pile of payslips at my desk, but that's wasn't everything. I think I have about 2/3 of the total at home, but I don't know where the rest are. Either at work or lost. I don't know... Anyway, I gave what I had to my mom, she opened one of the paper things that has my hours on it with the payslip inside, and what do you know, the payslip hadn't even been opened yet.

So I spent the next half an hour, opening all my payslips and matching them up with the paper thing with the hours on it. All the dates were mixed up, some from 2 years ago, some from this year. Some of the payslips didn't have a paper thing to go with it; some of the paper things didn't have payslips in them; some had 2 payslips in them. It has a huge mess.

As I was opening the payslips and organizing everything, I kept scolding myself. You're so stupid. You brought this on yourself. If you weren't so messy and clueless all the time, you wouldn't have to do this. I wasn't even rebuking myself in my head, talking to my conscience, I was literally talking to myself out loud the whole time. I was so annoyed at myself for being so reckless all the time.

And while I was organizing things, you won't believe what I found. I found a tax slip thing from last year. LAST YEAR! Holy! I couldn't even believe I had that! I didn't pay my taxes last year! And for a stupid reason... because I had no fucking idea I even had it! Thank the stars that the government didn't come after me. I really dodged a bullet there. But still. What the freaking heck!? It's one thing to not open my payslips to check if my hours are right and I'm being paid the right amount, it's another to have an unopened tax form lying around!

I definitely learned my lesson. But when tax season comes around next year, I'm going to go through the same thing all over again, because I know myself well, I know that I won't be organized for long. I know for a fact that everything I did to be organize will be messed up in about 2 days and I won't know where anything is anymore.


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