Wednesday 17 June 2015

Didn't realize I liked...

Jazz music...

I just finished watching Whiplash, which I've been wanting to watch since... a few days ago. Well, kind of. I've been waiting longer than a few days. Whiplash is an independent film (I first discovered it in Entertainment Weekly, in their Sundance issue) so when it was released, I didn't want to look for a theatre that was playing it, and then I just kind of forgot about it. And now it's on Netflix, and I've finally watched it.

I've been in an indie-film mood lately, though I've always loved indie films (my fav indie film thus far is Way Way Back; maybe go check it out...). I've also been watching a lot of classics (like Clueless and The Breakfast Club). After I watched 10 things I hate about you, I've just been in a classics mood. I don't really watch mainstream movies anymore, except when I go to the theatres. Anyways... Back to jazz music. Why was I even talking about what films I watch now?

I watched Whiplash, which, if you don't know what it's about, is about a jazz college student (Miles Teller) and this super abusive, scary instructor (J. K. Simmons). Andrew (Teller) wants to be a great jazz drummer, and one day, Fletcher (Simmons) discovers him playing and transfers him to his (Fletcher's) band. Just when Andrew thinks he's scored a spot in one of the best bands, he finds out his instructor is abusive, verbally mostly and sometimes physically.

As I was watching the film, I was so scared. Like I was on edge the whole time, unsure when Fletcher would flip out and yell at someone. I felt like I was in the class, and the feeling of anxiety was way to real. You just don't know what to expect from Fletcher and it's terrifying.

Jazz music plays a big role in the film. As I was watching, I didn't realize at first that I was really enjoying the music. I've never thought of myself as a jazz-music-liking person. But now it's hit me. I like jazz. It's fantastic.

I guess I kind of knew that I liked jazz, but didn't want to admit it. My art teacher loved putting on art shows at different venues every year, and he would put up our artwork at different events. Whenever I went to an opening for an art show or event, the jazz band from my school would be there playing, I don't know what songs, but jazzy songs. I enjoyed it. I thought it added a nice touch. And when the band stopped playing, I would always be a little disappointed. Now I know why. Because I liked jazz music.

After the movie ended and the credits started rolling, I didn't even want to exit, because I loved the music in the film. I just sat there, in my chair, listening to the jazz music playing as the credits scrolled past. It was nice and relaxing.

It's like I've just discovered a whole new side of myself. It's weird and awesome at the same time!

If you're hesitant to give jazz music a chance, give it a try. You never know, maybe you might like it. Need a suggestion? Try the song "Caravan" or "Whiplash" from the Whiplash soundtrack.


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