Friday 5 June 2015

Pro tip: don't push your luck

Take it from me: do not, ever, push your luck.

Last weekend, there was this sale on Indigo (online book store), where you can get an additional 20% off when you use Visa or whatever. The books I was gonna buy were already 27% off, so then if I used a Visa card, I could get an extra 20% off that price. Great deal, right? I was picking out my books, but I couldn't decide which ones I wanted, so I thought why not take a break and come back after and maybe I'll have decided by then. The day I was going to order the books was the last day of the sale; the sale ended at 3 AM EST (Eastern standard time in Canada). That meant that the sale ended at 12 AM (PST) where I live.

I started watching Blackfish with my mom at 10:45. I thought I had plenty of time, and as the movie progressed, I forgot all about the book order. The movie was 1 and 1/2 hours-ish long. By the time the movie ended, it was 12:15 AM.

I went back to Indigo, picked out all my books, and clicked checkout. I looked at my cart and realized the 20% off sales discount wasn't counted. I was so confused. I was like but... what? It's not even 3 yet. And then it hit me. 3 AM EST!!!!!! That translates to 12 AM PST (Pacific standard time). Shit... now what?

Dumb-ass me mixed up the times and thought the sale ended at 3 AM PST. I could have ordered the books before I started the movie, but nooooo, I chose to watch the movie first, and push my luck. I thought 5 minutes would be enough to pick out my books and pay, and I thought the movie was only an hour long. I'm so stupid...

This other time I pushed my luck was not something as simple and trivial as missing a sale; it was almost missing an EXAM. Where I live, high schools have provincial exams, and for grade 12s, we had to write an English provincial exam, and the mark that we got on the exam would either make us or break us, because universities are real strict and picky about provincial marks.

Anyways, my exam started at 10 AM. I was up at 8 AM and was ready by 8:30. Then I thought, since I had some time left, I should do a practice exam (PRO TIP #2: never, ever do a practice exam or study for the exam the day of; don't do any last minute studying, that will only make you more anxious). I finished the practice exam at 9:30, but I still needed to eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day (at least on exam days...). I took 15 minutes to eat, and I needed another 5 minutes to walk to school. Now I was really running low on time. I was speed-walking to school, and my friend was texting me, asking me where I was. I didn't think much of it, I just thought she was wondering where I was. I got to school, walked to the gym, and there was no one waiting outside of the gym. I peeked in and what do you know, everyone was getting ready for the exam, finding their seats, and I was almost late! No wonder my friend kept asking where I was... 

So, young wards, the lesson is: DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT PUSHING YOUR LUCK. Luck is not meant to be pushed.

One day, I'm going to luck out and something super bad will happen... Not like miss a sale or something like that, but maybe miss an exam... Knock on wood, and hope that that never happens.


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