Friday 12 June 2015

RIP to...

my favourite TV show of all time (all of nearly 18 years) which is, of course, BREAKING BAD.

Some of you are probably tired of hearing (reading?) me rave about Breaking Bad. But I'm sorry, I just love it so so much. I felt like crying when I finished the last episode, because it was truly over. And I made the mistake of watching the epic finale during my spare so after that I just didn't want to be at school anymore. I just wanted to go home, crawl into bed, cry, and mourn over the end.

Also, I know I'm probably the last person on earth to jump on the Breaking Bad bandwagon, but whatever, better super late than never. I was reluctant to start the show earlier because I wasn't sure if it was for me, and plus, when I saw the Breaking Bad issue of Entertainment Weekly (with a picture of Aaron Paul and Byran Cranston, arms around each others' shoulders, bloody, dirty) back in 2013, I thought, what is this show? It looks so disturbing and gross. Well, I can definitely say that I was right, this show is disturbing and gross, in the most intriguing and fantastic way. I still wish I hopped on the bandwagon sooner, like back when it was still playing on TV, but at the same time, it wouldn't have been the same if I watched it back in 2013 or earlier. I was 15/16 years old in 2013, I wouldn't have enjoyed the show as much and it wouldn't have made much sense. But now, with the semi-dark mind that I have, this show is pure gold/heroin(?)/bliss. It's a total gem.

This show was my everything for the past 2-ish months. It shouldn't have taken me so long to watch 5 seasons, but after binge-watching the first 2 seasons like a mad person, I decided that I needed to slow down. I can't breeze through the whole series. If I do, then what will I watch next? I must make it last longer. So I limited myself to 1 episode per day, which almost always ended with 3 episodes a day.

This past week, I completely stopped watching the show because I couldn't handle the fact that I was almost done. I stupidly thought that if I stopped watching for a while that I could some how make the show last longer. Essentially, I was just prolonging the time. I was in denial. It can't be over. No...

It's not over until I say it's over. *death glare*

I'm really going to miss the cooks, blue crystal, constant bickering between Jesse and Walter, constant worry about death and scary cartel guys, and mostly Walter White. Every word that came out of his mouth was funny (in a twisted way) or terrifying. Every action was a shocker. Every plan was genius beyond belief. He was really something. The character development throughout the series was phenomenal. There has never been (in my opinion) a better protagonist to antagonist transition in the history of the world! I've read many books with the same hero to villain thing, but it's never been this good.  

I was this poster of Walter surrounded by boxes of blue meth and stacks upon stacks of money, and at the top/bottom it said All Hail The King. Oh man! That poster is a beauty. I need that so bad. A little token of memory. Of my time with Heisenberg, the blue meth kingpin.

How am I going to move on? I don't think I can... I miss the show so much and it's only been a couple hours since I finished the finale...

RIP Breaking Bad and all hail the King.


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