Wednesday 10 June 2015

How I watch my favourite shows

I don't know if it's just me, though I'm pretty sure I can't be the only one, but I CANNOT sit still or shut up when I'm watching me favourite TV shows. My current favourite TV shows are Breaking Bad (which I am beyond OBSESSED with), The 100, The Fosters, Under the Dome, Daredevil, and The Flash. And I also started watching The Walking Dead because I need something to watch after my absolute favourite TV show ends (I only have 2 episodes of Breaking Bad left! I've been trying to slow my progress so that the show would last longer, but no such luck).

All these shows are pretty intense and gasp-worthy. Come to think of it, I don't think I watch many, if any, light and funny shows. All I ever watch is intense and dark shows. Wonder what that says about me...

So here I am watching one of these shows, let's take Breaking Bad for example because this show tends to draw the biggest reactions out of me. So I'm watching, and the beginning, before the opening credits are even played, I'm already either perched on my seat like I'm ready to jump ship or I'm so still and tense you'd think I'm an inanimate object (or that there's something seriously wrong with me). When things start getting eerie or the music starts to build up, my hands are on my mouth and I don't dare to take a breath, fearing that by breathing I'll miss something, and I won't even blink because again, I might miss something vital. Still in the anticipation stage, I look like a crazy person; I'm not breathing, blinking, moving. I'm as tense and taut as an overstretched elastic. If I'm watching a show, with intensity radiating off of me, don't tap me on the shoulder or suddenly talk to me. When I'm anticipating what's going to happen next, I am not, in any way, aware of my surroundings; I'm not present in the real world. So when someone taps me on the shoulder while I'm still taut, I'm going to snap like an elastic band. Most often, I will jump up (not metaphorically, but almost literally) like I've been shocked and I'll break out of my trance.

When the unexpected happens in the show, I gasp out loud, and I'm yelling at the screen like WHAT!? No! What? No! What just happened?! Wait. Wait. Wait. I'm holding my head in absolute confusion and disbelief. I'm shaking my head, my mouth is hanging open, and my eyes are wide as ever. And I stay in that position for at least a minute after the unexpected happens before I can slowly recover. But sometimes, certain episodes are just a series of terrible event after terrible event after terrible event, and I'll spend the whole 45-50 minutes in utter shock (mouth open, yelling at the screen, hands over mouth).

And most often than not, there will be that one (or more) character that just pisses me off so much I just want to reach into the screen and punch them in the face. So every time I see them or hear them talking, I'm just making the rudest comments and talking sarcastically to the screen as if the character can hear me. I am ALWAYS talking to the screen. It's kind of embarrassing how many times I've been caught talking to my laptop. I'm always rolling my eyes are the annoying character, asking them when they'll shut up already and go away. Sometimes I talk so much that I miss what the characters are saying and I have to rewind and watch that annoying character be stupid all over again. In Breaking Bad, every character will annoy the heck out of me at one point or another. I still can't decide if I like Skylar or if I just want her to leave already. And Marie... I can't even handle her sometimes. But at the same time, I love both characters. So half the time I'll be rooting for them, and the other half, I'm wishing I could kill them off.

When I can sense that one of the characters likes another and then they do end up together, I get all giggly and happy. I knew it! I knew it... And then I'm covering my mouth, laughing into my hands, because I knew it. And they're so cute together, and they have to be together forever. Everything is so sweet in that moment.

I don't think anyone would ever want to watch any TV show with me, because I'll always be talking and adding my own commentary, and I'll overreact. Never, ever, watch Breaking Bad with me, because you will not enjoy my company or the episode. Sometimes I watch it at school during spare, and I'm just sitting there with my earbuds in, phone in hand. And I'm literally gasping and whispering to myself the ENTIRE time. And when I finish, people at my table are like are you okay? What were you watching? You looks so... I don't know... tense? You haven't been breathing for the longest time... So embarrassing...


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