Saturday 27 June 2015

Should I care more about...


Maybe there's something seriously wrong with me, but I just don't understand all the stress, hype, and excitement over prom...

I get that it's really important to some people, and that's cool, but when they try to push their excitement on me, shoving it down my throat, all I want to do is slap them. To me, prom is just one over-the-top, short, and expensive night. My prom is like, I don't know, 4-5 hours long, so really I don't want to be spending a thousand plus dollars on a few hours. I don't need the most expensive, extravagant, stunning dress; I don't need to make my hair all fancy and complicated; I'm definitely not going to pay someone to do my makeup and make me not look like me.

I just don't get why everyone is so stressed about prom. Does it really matter what kind of dress you're going to wear for a few hours? And why do people care so much about someone wearing the same dress as them? If I saw someone wearing the same dress as me, I'd laugh and think it's funny. But if someone saw me wearing the same dress as them, I might, will, be getting the death glare the whole time.

There's this one girl in one of my classes that is super into prom. Like really, really into prom. She got this $600 dress (Whaaattt??!! Whyyy??); she had someone try out different makeup looks on her face back in December (really?); she is super worried about EVERYTHING. And that's fine. But... She's always pushing it on me. Her: What does your dress look like? Me: I don't have one yet. Her: When will you get one? Me: Don't know... When I'm not as busy... Her: What's your makeup going to look like? What about your heels? How about hair? Me:... I don't even have my dress yet... And still after I've made it clear I didn't want to talk about prom anymore, she still continued on. And this was back in October.

And in May/June, I still hadn't started looking for a dress yet, I wasn't worried. I mean, who cares? I'll wear a paper bag to prom and be the paper bag princess (how awesome would that be?). Anyways, that girl has been nagging me (literally) for months about prom stuff. And during my spare, it's usually nap time. But she'd just go on and on about prom and I couldn't just block her out and sleep. Judging people's dresses on Facebook, being like that colour is terrible on them, they should have chosen a different colour.  And she'd talk about how she wanted to be the only one wearing royal blue, but everyone else chose that colour too, and how they were ruining everything for her. I swear, every time I heard her judge someone's dress or talk about the royal blue situation, I wanted to yell Shut up already! Who fucking cares?! And why are you so judgy all the time? And a few weeks ago, I still hadn't found a dress and I was actually trying to look, and she'd nag me about how I should have look sooner. At that point I could only think about one thing while she talked: if I hear one more thing about prom, I will punch her in the throat. Luckily she didn't push me to the point of actually doing it.

I was going to make this post short because tonight's prom (Ahhh!), but I had to vent...

**oops! Meant to post this yesterday, but was too busy with prom...


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