Wednesday 24 June 2015

Paranoid or just overly dramatic

Recently I started watching The Walking Dead, and that's got me super paranoid about zombies and the apocalypse. I already was paranoid about the apocalypse and stuff, but now, I'm way past paranoid. I'm always strategizing what I would do in different scenarios (what to do if I run out of water, food, etc), how I would survive (run to Costco?), what to do with my family (slow runners...), and how generous/nice I should be during the end of days.

The other night, I couldn't fall asleep, as usual, and I started thinking about what would happen if I looked out my window right then and saw a zombie-like thing walking down my street. Do I kill it? Do I leave it be? What if it was like patient zero/ the first zombie and if I killed it right then I would prevent an apocalypse? What if I did kill it but it was only a person (not dead) with an injury or something, hobbling back to their house and I killed them thinking it was a zombie? On one hand, it's like don't even worry about it, just leave it and someone else will handle it. But on the other hand, what if I could prevent an outbreak, but I don't because I'm hesitant to kill.

I've always thought the idea of being on the run, trying to survive off of barely anything would be cool. I'm totally down for an apocalypse if everyone was immortal/invincible, so that no one would have to die. I read all these post-apocalyptic books and watch all these apocalyptic movies, I guess my mind is a bit corrupted. I mean, who wants an apocalypse? That's crazy! But when I watch or read about characters trying to survive and always being on alert, and looking/sounding so kick-ass when they fight whatever apocalyptic things are thrown at them, it kind of makes the end of the world seem cool. Learning to use a gun or knife/sword in order to stay alive, and becoming this amazing badass warrior in the process... Who doesn't want the apocalypse to happen and look cool afterwards? If you can survive the initial panic and danger, that is...

I always talk about the apocalypse like it's a grade 5 math test and I can easily handle it, but the reality of life is I wouldn't last 10 minutes out in the open. Sure, my family has an earthquake bag with emergency water and food, blankets, flashlights, etc. But when it comes time to carry that thing out the door, I can't. I'm too weak. And I can't have a heavy bag weighing me down while I run.

And another problem is sharing. That's going to be a huge problem. Not everyone will have an earthquake bag full of supplies; not everyone will have water. And if people coming asking for water, what do I do? Share my precious water because I have sympathy and I care about people, but as a result have less water for myself. Or be selfish for once and keep my water for myself and save it for when I'll need it the most. Decisions, decisions. Same goes for food and blankets. It's like I know they're suffering and need a bit of aid, but at the same time, every man/woman for him/herself.

Sometimes I wonder if me being all paranoid about the end of the world happening is a good thing or if I'm just being way too dramatic and need to calm down.


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