Saturday 11 July 2015

Been a little busy lately...

So... I've been a little behind on... well, everything lately.

I've posted a day late for the pasts few posts (including this one); I'm several episodes behind in terms of Under the Dome, So you think you can dance, and I haven't watched The Walking Dead for the past week; I planned on fixing up my resume and no progress has been made; and my slow ascent back into an exercise routine is, well, going down hill.

I've been housing a relative at my house for the past week and a half, so things have been hectic. Because it's my relative's first time in Canada, I've been acting as a tour guide (delivering my services for free) and have barely been home. We literally have been out every single day for the past week and a half. It's exhausting. I'm tired.

But I never really have places to go, so it was fun to leave my little box of a room and explore the city I live in. It's kind of weird how I've lived in this city my whole life and haven't really explored some of the places we went to. Or maybe I have gone, but don't remember. It's always here, right in my backyard, so I guess I've gotten kind of used to it and have taken it for granted. And that's why I haven't ever really been to some of those places. Sometimes when something is always there, you don't really notice it or you don't care for it. I feel like that's how I am with my city.

Because I was the tour guide, I was required to be present during all the trips, and I ended up going to all these tourist attractions or famous landmarks, and suddenly I discovered a whole new world. (Now I have the song, A Whole New World, stuck in my head). While we were exploring downtown, I discovered this sweet spot atop a roof. In my city, there are quite a few rooftop gardens, but I've never taken the time to go up and explore one. Till now. I found this peaceful, quiet rooftop garden with a stunning view. I've found my new favourite spot in the city.

I feel like I've got off topic a bit, though I didn't really have a planned topic to write about today. This has more or less been a life update type thing. Anyways, point is my family and I have been out exploring our city this past week or so, and I have really been behind on everything. But now, my relative has left and it's time to get back on track.


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