Sunday 12 July 2015

So... Here I am, sharing another one of my irrational fears that makes absolutely no sense. If you haven't read part 1, click here.

Irrational fear #2: something under the bed. (Also stemmed from my childhood but never went away).

We've all had that fear as a child. What if I leave my feet hanging over the bed? Surely the monster would grab my feet and pull me down to hell or who knows where. I still fear this every time I sit on my bed to read or when it gets hot in my room and I let my feet dangle off the bed.

I'm sitting on my bed, reading my book (I'm currently reading The Martian- it's super funny and overall awesome! You should read it) and I have my feet dangling off, swinging them leisurely. And suddenly, my childhood fear returns. I stop reading the book and I'm just looking at words while my mind goes off on me again. What if the monster is real? Still lurking under my bed, waiting for the right moment to get me? Stop it! Don't be silly! There's no monster. I scold myself for being so childishly afraid, but at the same time, I'm still panicking. My palms get a bit clammy. There's no monster. There's no monster. The more I try to tell myself there's no monster, the more I can feel its presence under my bed. I start thinking up all these stupid horror-movie clichés where people are sitting on their beds with their feet swinging off and completely unaware of the horrible thing coming towards them under their bed; one second they are perfectly fine, then the next they're screaming for their lives, though nothing they do can stop the inevitable (their death/being dragged to who knows where). So I'm sitting on my bed, happily reading my book, then two seconds later I psych myself out. I can literally feel something coming towards me while I have an internal battle. Don't be silly, calm down. NO, I can't!!!! Take a deep breath. IT'S COMING! It's not real. IT'S REAL!! And after about 5 seconds, I've had it, and I swiftly swing up my feet up to the safety of my bed, away from the scariest, most devilish monsters ever to roam the earth. Every time I put my feet up, I feel a moment of triumph. I did it! I saved myself from the boogie monster. I was so close from being taken away/captured, but it's okay now. *let's out the breath I'd been holding*

Being by myself when this whole psyching-myself-out thing happens is a little bit more on the reasonable and sane side of things. But when someone (i.e. my mom) walks by while this is all going down, I end up looking crazy. Imagine you're my mom. You're walking down the hall to the bathroom, and you just take a peek into my room to check on me. You see me with a turbid and panicked expression plastered on my face. Then all of a sudden, you see me shriek and pull my feet up onto my bed like my feet were burned by an unseen fire under my bed.

I mean, how crazy would I look? Keep in mind that my mom cannot hear or see the internal fear and battle. And my mom already thinks I'm cray cray with all my irrational fears.


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