Friday 3 July 2015

Is it really necessary for me to...

get ID at the movie theatre?

A few days ago, a friend and I went to go watch Spy. And Spy is rated 14A. I'm almost 18, so you'd think that I could just buy a ticket, and go in to watch the movie.

But no... As I'm getting my wallet out to pay for the ticket, the person at the cashier was like can I see you ID please? and at first I was confused. ID? What? Why? I just kind of stared at the person for a second, contemplating whether I heard wrong or if she really just asked to see my ID. Anyways, I didn't want to cause trouble or make things hard for the cashier, so I just obeyed. She glanced at my ID and gave me my ticket after I paid. I walked away thinking huh... wasn't that weird? But at the same time I feel like reached a milestone or something; I got IDed for the first time!

It's kind of weird that this was my first time... I'd always thought my first time would be at a bar or club or something.

I look younger than my age, so I'm still surprised I haven't been IDed before for anything else. I watched Gone Girl in theatres with my other friend and I never got IDed, which is peculiar because Gone Girl is rated R (but in Canada, it's rated 14A). But still, I was allowed into GONE GIRL (!) without being IDed, and if you've seen Gone Girl you'd know that anyone younger than 14 should not be allowed to watch and anyone who looks younger than 14 should be IDed.

I digress... And I forgot what I was talking about...

Gone Girl... ID... rating... 14A... Oh! I remember.

My ID was checked before I could buy a ticket for Spy. But after watching the movie, maybe I was IDed because there were a lot of f-bombs dropped during the movie. But seriously? They check IDs for movies with the word "fuck" in it, but not for movies with sexuality and gory violence.

Anyways, my friend bought her popcorn and stuff and we made our way to the theatre. I got to the person who checks and rips the tickets, and he too stopped me to check my age! What the hell?! He was like how old are you? looking at me suspiciously. And I said 17... And then he was all like just turned 17? in this tone... I don't know what it was, but it kind of seemed cocky like pfft, only 17? and doubtful like you are 17? You look like a 10 year old. And I frowned at him and told him I was turning 18 soon, and then he gave me this look like oh, fuck, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to insult you! And he looked genuinely sorry that he ever questioned my age. The power of numbers, huh? Then he gave me my ticket back and told me to have fun. In my head, I was like have fun? At the movies? The hell? and I just said "yeah, whatever" because I couldn't handle this guy and his bullshit anymore.

I never get IDed, ever, and then suddenly I do, and twice! What is happening????


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