Monday 6 July 2015

Making valid excuses or not?

I hate to admit it, but I love using the excuse of a special event to get people to do things for me. It could range from my birthday to my graduation day (just last month- woohoo!) to me running an extra 0.5 miles that one morning. There is no end to my excuses.

Sometimes I'm just too lazy and people need that extra push to help me out a bit. It's terrible what I do, exploiting people like that, but sometimes I just can't help it. I'm so ashamed of myself. Every time I feel ashamed for asking someone to do something through my stupid excuses, the shame doesn't last, because, well, at least they did it.

It's terrible what I come up with sometimes... Last month was the last month of high school, which meant a lot of things, special events and whatnot were happening. One day, I didn't want to wash my own apple, so I asked my mom to do it, while I was holding the apple and was 5 steps from the sink. I used the "but it's almost the last day of high school" excuse to get her to wash the apple for me, all because I was too lazy and washing fruits is such hard work. Later that week, my mom told me to wash the dishes or do the laundry or something, and I, being lazy, told her "but it's the last day of high school and I should relax" to get out of doing a chore.

Sometimes I use these lame and weak excuses because sometimes I want people to treat me like royalty or something, like I'm a queen, and they are my slaves. Just kidding... not really... I don't know... I just don't feel like doing things sometimes and other people are just conveniently there and I just use them without thinking about how they might not feel like doing anything either but they don't use stupid excuses to get others to do things for them.

I'm weak and lazy, I can't just bare with it and do what I'm supposed to do. I always feel the need to make up excuses and use special events (or just everyday events that I could change to make it seem special) to people to do things. I would walk into the kitchen, have a craving for a certain food that requires cooking and make up an excuse like "but I just ran an extra 0.5 miles this morning so you should treat me" to get out of cooking but still getting the food I want.

I feel like adding the "but" to the beginning makes people reconsider and maybe even cave. The word "but" makes you seem in need and kind of mildly distressed and it makes people feel bad, which in turn helps you.

It's going to be my birthday soon, and I've already used the "but it's almost my birthday" excuse several times. I know for a fact that I will definitely be using the "but it's my birthday" excuse a lot that day, but I'll try to refrain from that. I can't always rely on others to do things for me. I'm going to be 18 soon, and I'm going to be a big girl. It's time I started acting like one. No more invalid excuses.


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