Wednesday 15 July 2015

Why was I so mad over...

someone stealing my bowling balls?

(*Warning: there's quite a bit of choice words in here since this is a rant. Reader's discretion is advised.)

Today, I went bowling with my mom and brother (and his friend). My mom and I had one lane to ourselves, and my brother and his friend shared their own lane. Because it was so busy today, our lanes weren't side-by-side together. Anyways, my mom and I had been playing a while; the people who were originally sandwiched between us and my brother had left; and a new group came. In this new group were 3 little girls, and by little I mean 11-13-ish years old, 14 max (but anyone who is in the range of 11-13 is considered to be little to me, just like how 20 something year olds would look at me-18- and think I'm little).

So these little girls came in, blah, blah, blah. And then they started playing. BUT, they didn't go to get their own bowling balls. They were completely "unaware" that my mom and I were there playing too, sharing the bowling-ball-bring-backer. Now these girls, who were so completely oblivious to us, went up the the ball-bringer-backer and took one of MY bowling balls and used it. It was my turn and I needed that ball to go.

I shouldn't have gotten so mad over a stupid bowling ball (I don't even own it) but I was so pissed. I glared at her during her turn and when I went up to retrieve my ball, she was so unaware. She took my fucking ball again (!) for her second turn and I was left standing there, watching her use my damn ball. Oh! Bitch, no. I was so fucking pissed at this point. I could barely breathe. I was so close to yelling at her, in public. But I held myself together.

So I let it go, and it was my mom's turn. She went up to get her 8-pound ball and a different girl from the group went up and took my mom's ball. My mom was so stunned she just stood there. She walked back to me and raised an eyebrow like what just happened? And I told the first girl did the same thing to me.

Those girls have got real fucking nerves. They, I'm pretty sure, saw us using those bowling balls and they came after us, so it's pretty clear they were our bowling balls. But these girls thought they were so mature and cool (look at us, we're 13, we're so old, we're so cool, we can do whatever we want) and thought that they could just come in here and take our bowling balls without asking. Oh, hell no, bitches. I swear to the stars, I almost picked up the stupid bowling ball and threw it at them. I didn't want to stir up trouble so I kept the anger to myself. I watched them use my ball for their turns, and every time, I was like bitches, please! You fucking kidding me right now? Who do you think you are? If I see you take my fucking bowling ball during my turn one more time, I will blow up in your little fucking 13-year-old faces. (I am getting so mad just writing this right now...).

It was my mom's turn again, and one of those girls took her ball again for the hundredth time, and I've had it. I stormed over to them, luckily they were all crowded around the ball-bringer-backer thing so I'd have all their attention, and I just lost it. "Yeah, hey! Excuse me! Those are OUR bowling balls! Can you, I don't know, not USE them? Because we were, you know, kind of using them. If you wouldn't mind... GO GET YOUR OWN." If they weren't little girls, I would have unleashed all the foul words I was trying so hard to contain and hold back. They all stared at me, wide-eyed, terrified (oh hey, that rhymed!) after my little speech. They were like "oh... um... sorry?" (but they weren't sorry, I could see it in their faces) and I was like (in my head) yeah, whatever. Fuck you. I couldn't handle them anymore, so I walked away. I'm pretty sure I scared them shitless, but I don't feel bad. Build fear in them, it might do them so good.

At first I wasn't sure why I was so worked up over some little ball-stealers, but now, writing this, I think I know why. It's not that they were annoying little 13-year-olds, or even that they took my bowling balls during my turn. It was the fact that they didn't even ask. If they had asked, I would have been more than happy to share. But they didn't ask, and assumed that it was okay, or thought they were somehow above asking. It was the attitude thing that bother me so much, not so much the stealing thing. They knew we were using them, and we already let them use the bowling balls a few times, but they always took it without asking, and always took it on our turns so that we couldn't use them. If they're going to use someone else's stuff without asking, the least they could do was let that person use it first, since it was their stuff. It annoyed the crap out of me that they didn't bother to ask or let us use it first.  

Who do you think you are? Huh?! I didn't get the fucking bowling balls just for you. 

Phew! Glad I got that out of my system... 


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