Friday 7 November 2014

Ain't nobody got time

Is it just me, or is time ALWAYS against EVERYONE!!??

Time seems to absolutely LOVE screwing people over ALL THE TIME. Like ugh! Timmmeeee!! We all need more timmmmeeeee!

Well, I guess time isn't exactly the real problem, clocks are or the idea of time is. We actually don't know what time is (there's some food for thought for you... I don't know if that makes any sense, but whatever...). Time is just something someone decided was going to be the way we measured life. We're always counting down to things, or limiting ourselves with time. A lot of us can't even live in the moment because we're too worried about how much time we have left to accomplish something.  Like bucket lists! Do this before I die, do that before I die. Don't even get me started on bucket lists, I don't like them (even though I have one myself).

I feel like time is taking away from living life.

Every morning (on school days) I literally have no time. I wake up like, I don't know, 25-30 minutes before school starts, and as I get ready, I count down to the time I have to get to school, or count down to the time I have to be ready by. I can't even sit down and eat my breakfast without doing something else while I eat because I don't got time. I'm always short of time, and it sucks, real bad. I have to multitask in order to get everything done. I can't just do one thing at a time these days. Everything, literally EVERYTHING, is go, go, go. Everything needs to be done fast, and before a certain time. And if you don't win the race against time, well, then you, my friend, will fail in life. Sucks! I know...

It's like time doesn't even give us a chance to take a breath. I'm at constant war with time, especially when it comes to school work, and university applications and what not. Like ain't nobody got time! Yet it feels like if you don't beat time, your life is over, not literally of course.. or is it?

Why do you not have the time to do everything? Because... I don't know... Everything, from school work to jobs to family issues, is shoved into our faces all at once. Time just keeps slapping us in the faces, laughing at our struggles.

But we don't have all the time in the world to fulfill the universe's expectations, so, I guess we're out of luck.

Sometimes, I feel like the invention of the clock ruined us. We're under the constant burden of time.

Time pretty much rules us. Time is our master, our dictator, our fate-determiner (?), and we are its slaves, its peasants, its toys that can be played with, then destroyed.

I can't fathom time. Why did we invent the concept of time to torture ourselves?

I don't know... I don't have the time to think about it...


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