Thursday 18 December 2014

Do I look mean?

An ongoing concern of mine: do I have a mean (bitchy) resting face? I don't know but I feel like I have the meanest, most pissed off look on my face all the time... And I hate it! I don't want people to think I'm mean or unapproachable just because I may have the look of an angry killer.

Now I don't know for sure if I look as pissed off as I feel like I do, but I think I do... How do you get rid of a mean resting face??? 

I feel like I look the meanest when I walk, I don't know why. It might be because I'm a pretty fast walker and almost everyone else is too slow for me, so I get annoyed sometimes when walking behind people. I'm quite short but I walk fast; people who are much taller than me walk so much slower than me. How is that possible? You have long legs, so use them, walk faster. But do I show my annoyance on my face when I walk? Don't know... I sure hope not! 

I don't know if any of you guys experience this, but at school or at the mall or at the street or anywhere, there is always this one group (usually a group of girls) that walks in a. Straight. Line. Shoulder to shoulder to shoulder, blocking off the entire walkway. And to make it worse, they walk REALLY slow, and are completely oblivious to the people behind them. I mean, seriously!? Why??!! They talk and giggle like they're the only people on Earth. Like... PLEASE! Why can't they walk in a group where they aren't walking in a straight line, I mean, come on, it's not that hard. It makes me sooooo mad when people do this. I already get annoyed with slow walkers, but when people block of the whole sidewalk or hallway or whatever, making it impossible for me to escape their slowness, I get PISSED. This is the only situation where it's okay to look like you're about to murder. Because you are. Or at least I am.

So, okay, maybe I do look like an annoyed killer most of the time, but I have a very valid reason: people walk too slow and they get in my way when I walk. So yeah, when people block off walkways and walk slow at the same time, I WILL look pissed off, and mean, and like I'm about to strangle someone.

I may look mean sometimes, but I promise, I'm not as mean as I look. (hopefully... Just kidding! I'm not mean)


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