Sunday 21 December 2014

Mockingjay Part 1... What the heck!

Have any of you heard of that little film called "Mockingjay Part 1"? Yeah? Maybe?


I've read the books twice and I've seen the films ("Hunger Games" and "Catching Fire") a couple times, so I'd say I'm a fan. So since I'm a fan, I had HIGH, like way up there, from-here-to-Pluto-way-up-there high, expections. If the film wasn't up to or beyond the level of "Catching Fire" I was going to be real disappointed. But I can safety say the film succeed my expectations. Every part of the film was amazing! I feel so jittery just thinking about it!

**If you haven't seen the film or read the books and don't want to be spoiled, you may leave now**

Okay! So... "Mockingjay Part 1", where do I begin!?

I loved the beginning where Katniss was in the closet (?), I'm not sure where she was, but anyways, she was talking to herself and stuff, it was just... Ah! So good! Jennifer Lawrence is such a great actress! I loved the part where we see Finnick for the first time, with his knot-tying. Oh! And throughout the whole film, you could see Katniss fiddling with the pearl Peeta gave her back in the arena (in "Catching Fire")! I thought that added a nice touch to the film. It's so not fair! Why was Peeta taken away/captured?

Oh my goodness! The Hanging Tree song! I was not expecting it to be that good! Reading the book, I imagined the song to be very... not so great. I didn't even read it as a song in my head, because I couldn't compose it into a musical piece. But the movie version was a million times better! And I loved the part where she started singing and then Cressida smacked her camera man's arm and was like get this. Ah! So funny! Cressida was so funny during the most serious parts of the film; they would be fighting and stuff and she'd be like are you getting this/ go over to the left/ do a close-up. Anyways, I loved how the Hanging Tree song transitioned from just Katniss singing to a group of rebels singing it. At first when I saw them, I was so confused. I was like where are they going. But then I saw the lit-up wall and stuff, and I knew: they were headed towards the dam thing from the trailers (you know, the dam breaking, and flooding everything scene from the trailers; they had that scene in almost every trailer). That scene, with the rebels running towards the peacekeepers with their boxes, was so good, story wise and visually. It was so cool! Like I was not expecting them to bomb the dam, which turned out to be the Capitol's power source or something.

I loved Katniss' message to Snow! It made me almost cry! Her emotions and that horrified look on her face and the anger! Jennifer Lawrence, I bow down to you! It made me tear up. Fire is catching, and if we burn, you burn with us! So fucking good! There's nothing else to say about that. It was so fucking good.

And the scene where the Capitol bombed District 13! Holy! That was terrifying! And when Katniss tripped on the stairs and everyone kept running down the stairs and stepping on top of her! My God! That was so scary! And when she finally got down to the bunker and she realized Prim went to get Buttercup, I was literally holding my breath; I don't know why because I already knew what was going to happen, but it was so intense! Then she started sprinting up the million flights of stairs to find Prim and the countdown started, I was to the point of breaking my knuckles because I was squeezing my hands so hard! And the sound of the bombs falling was terrifying! It sounded so fucking real!

And Peeta!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD! I hated (and loved) how as the film progressed, you could really see the affects of the Capitol on Peeta! It was so bad, I caught myself almost crying so many times. His eyes were the worst! It looked like they were hollowed out of something. I don't even know how to describe his condition. But oh man, he was in bad shape. To make it worse, the scene would cut to Katniss watching Peeta, and my heart broke into a million pieces. Jennifer Lawrence is hands down one of the best actress ever!!! If not the best... She made me almost-cry so many times!

I think the scariest scene was the scene where Katniss went to see Peeta in the hospital. He was just sitting there, but my heart was already pounding at 200 beats per minute. And he looked at her with a blank expression, and I saw it coming. He jumped up and slammed her head against some glass cabinet, and I was so fucking scared! I knew it was going to happen, but I still jumped out of my seat. But it wasn't like the book where he just held her against the wall. No... He slammed her on the floor and kept beating the crap out of her! It was like a scene from a horror movie or worse. And when Boggs (or whatever his name is) hit Peeta in the head with a fire extinguisher (?), I thought that was the end of the movie, but nope, there's still more, because they haven't played with our feelings enough.

During the last scene with Katniss walking creepily out of her room and into the hall and Coin delivering a message on the balcony in front of District 13, I, for a split second, thought that they had moved the scene of Katniss shooting Coin on the balcony to Part 1. I really thought Katniss was going to shoot Coin. But I was wrong (thank goodness). She walked to this viewing window thing and guess who was behind the window. PEETA! It was so fucking horrifying seeing him thrash around with restrains around his hands and feet. And the crazed look on his face was a continuation of the horror movie scene. And then it just ended! Like whattt??? You should have ended it at Peeta choking Katniss because I was prepared for the film to only go up to there, but then you gave me a little more. You can't just give me a little more and not the whole thing! Now I want Part 2!!!! Give me more!!!

And that's what I thought of "Mockingjay Part 1"! How did you like it? Maybe you didn't like it...

I feel like all I've said throughout this whole post is "I loved this, I loved that..." and that's about it. I didn't even have any variation in sentence structure; every sentence started with "I loved...".

Thanks for reading my super long (and maybe boring) post on "Mockingjay Part 1"!

May the odds be ever in your favor...


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