Saturday 27 December 2014

It's not good to be nice

I don't know when to stop being nice... It's becoming an issue. Well, actually, it has always been an issue.

I don't want to toot my own horn or anything, but I think I'm a lot nicer than the average person. If I see that you need help or something, I will help; I won't just stand there and watch you suffer like most people do. I will help someone if it means I lose something so that they gain something, like that is totally okay with me. But then sometimes people get needy, and I, like the stupid person I am, still help them, even though it is evident that they may be taking advantage of my kindness.

A couple weeks ago, in French class, I had to work with these two girls on a project. They LITERALLY did nothing the whole class, and the whole class was dedicated to working on the project because it was to be handed in and presented the next day. All they did was talk about their "life-threatening" problems (one of the girls not being able to go out on a certain day, or the other girl not wanting to hang out because she is a "good" girl... like, the hell? What's wrong with you?). And not only did they talk about their problems all day every day, they talked like they're thirteen year old teens. They're seventeen! Why they still talk like they're preteens, I will never understand... And it's so annoying; it makes me want to slap them in the face, and I know that makes me sound pretty mean and not at all nice, but believe me, if you had to sit in a class with them and hear them talk about their "problems" like thirteen year old little girls, you would want to knock some sense into them too. They literally talk like this every class; all they do in that class is talk about their problems, because apparently there isn't any other time they could talk (lunch is out of the question because lunch is not a time for hanging out with your friends, and the 15-miute breaks aren't long enough to rant about their oh-so-bad problems). And they wonder why they're doing so bad in the class...

Anyways, now it just sounds like I'm trash talking about those girls.... But that's not what this post is about. So... They, legit, spent the whole class talking about hanging out, and one girl continuously, non-stop tried to convince the other girl to hang out with her and her friends and the other girl continuously saying that she has to be a good girl and stay home. Since they wasted the whole class talking like preteens about their shitty lives, we had to take the project home to finish it, or more like start it. I did do work during class, but not enough to actually get the project going. And when the bell rung, they had the nerve to just leave and assume that I was going to work on it! But then before they left, I offered to do all the work, because I had nothing else to do, and if it makes them happy, I'll do the work. No big deal. It's all good.

What's wrong with me!? I do that every time! Whenever someone is busy or they have work or whatever, I always offer to do all the work, even though most times I have work and a ton of homework too.

I just feel like if I can make it easier for someone then it's worth it. But it really isn't. Now I have to suffer because I want to reduce the amount of stress someone else goes through. Making everyone around me happy makes me so stressed... Sometimes I can't even handle it.

I think it's time for me to learn to be mean... After all, I've been overdosed with kindness; I need a little meanness and selfishness to balance out my unhealthy burden of niceness.


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