Sunday 4 January 2015

A spider attacked me

So... I got home the other day, and was putting everything I bought away and stuff, and all was well. Then I looked down and saw this black-red ball thing hanging off of my jacket, so thinking it was a fluff ball or something, I moved away from it (because you know, that's how you get rid of fluff balls, you just move away and it will fly off). But as I moved back, the ball SPROUTED LEGS AND STARTED CRAWLING UP!!!! And like a crazy person, I started running away from it, but it was ON my jacket, so it FOLLOWED me. It was swinging back and forth from somewhere on my jacket, so I was like I can't hit it if it keeps moving!!!!!! but the funny thing is I was the one moving around causing the web string thing to move. So stupid, I know. For a good 2 seconds, I just stared at it dumbfounded, like what should I do now!? (in a panicked voice).

So I screamed at my mom to swat it off of me, and she looked at me like please! What's wrong with you? and then she was like "there's nothing on you". But by now the spider was ALMOST TO MY NECK!! And my mom was just standing there like I wasn't being attacked by this crazy spider. And panic was seizing me and I didn't know what to do with myself. Finally, after an eternity, my mom spotted the spider and whack the spider off my jacket and it ran off.

OH MY GOODNESS! I can't even tell you how terrifying that was! And by the way, this whole thing happened in like 5-7 seconds or whatever, but it felt like forever to me because I was the one being attacked.

And even though the spider was off, I still felt it EVERYWHERE! It was on my head, in my hair, on my shoulders, on my legs! EVERYWHERE!

You know that feeling of thinking there's a bug on you but it's actually hair or something? I had that feeling all day. But there was no hair touching me; I was just making myself think there was a spider on me. Like my mind was tricking me into thinking the spider's still there. Or maybe I wasn't fooling myself, and the spider's webs were all over me!

I was so PARANOID, you wouldn't even believe it. And I know it's such a little thing having a spider on my jacket and stuff, but it's the post-spider-falling part that keeps me on edge. Like the spider could have fallen on the ground, but maybe it was still attached to the web/string and could have easily crawled back up my leg or something because it was still attached to me somewhere.

So yeah...

As you can tell, spiders are a HUGE problem in my life!

Hope my traumatizing experience made for a good story time!


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