Monday 19 January 2015

Water anxiety

So... I've just developed anxiety...

But before this developed, a little back story info:
So at my school there is this class called Art Careers (for grade 12's only), and this class is dedicated to helping and preparing grade 12's who want to go to art universities and that kind of stuff. I'm in that class, and as an art career student, I get first shot at designing the yearbook cover. I decided to design my cover using watercolour. Okay, so I'm a little behind schedule with handing in the design, so I took it home to work on, and that's when everything went down hill...

Just merely 10 minutes ago, I was working on the cover at my desk, where my laptop (Casey) lives. I'm painting away and all was good. Then I got up to go to the bathroom. I came back and as I was sitting down, I kept thinking: don't knock over the water, don't knock over the water, don't knock over the water. And for some obscure reason, I reached over to hold the cup of water so that I wouldn't knock it over with my elbow or something. To my horror, I tipped the cup over as I was reaching for it and the water came flooding all over my desk! I kid you not, I am not exaggerating. My desk is slightly uneven and the cup of water was on the higher side, so when I pushed over the cup, the water went spewing out like a dam when the flood gates open!

I didn't know what to save first: my art work or Casey or my desk (but to be honest, my desk didn't really matter)! I saw water spilling slow motion and it was fucking horrifying! And then just like that, everything was going fast and everything was happening at once. I was frantically ripping tissues out of the box. I was lifting up Casey but he was still attached to the power cable. I was flailing my art work trying to get the water to slip off. Water was racing across my table, towards the cables! Casey was still attached to the power cord and there was water dripping off of the bottom of my laptop! And the colours on my art were starting to running in every which way. And the tissues were soaked completely and the water was STILL traveling around my desk!

I quickly yank the power cable out and throw it on the floor. Then I run to my bed to grab something, anything, to dry Casey off with! When I got to my bed, I wasted 5 seconds contemplating whether to use my clean socks or my sweatshirt to dry off my laptop. I ended up grabbing my sweatshirt. Then, like the stupid ass person I am, I BRING CASEY BACK TO THE KILL ZONE! I set my laptop on my chair, which was right beside my now super wet and ocean-like desk. And then I was wiping up the water on my desk while wildly dabbing my art work to save it from looking like a total disaster. I didn't realize that I had the paper tipped to one side and the water was DRIPPING onto my laptop! So fucking scary, I can't even tell you! I then threw my art work onto the STILL WET desk, and quickly wiped up Casey! Again!

Luckily, I was smart enough to move my laptop away from the disaster zone and to somewhere safe. So now: Casey was safe.

Then I ran back to my desk and dabbed my watercolour paper like a mad person. Good! Now Art work was saved.

Now my desk. At this point, I was just too panicked about my laptop and art to even care about my desk.

So that was something...

Now I've developed water anxiety. I will never again paint on my desk while my laptop still chilling there. I will never again jinx myself by thinking bad thoughts. NEVER. THE. FUCK. AGAIN. WILL I BRING WATER NEAR MY DESK AND LAPTOP. EVER!!!


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