Wednesday 4 February 2015

I hate everything

I don't know why but when I think about it, it seems like I hate everything! Like sometimes, everything pisses me off. And I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, although I probably am, and I don't mean to sound bitchy about everything, but I can't help but hate things sometimes, you know?

I've got an extensive list of pet peeves and hates.

One of the most common pet peeves I encounter every single day is when people drag their feet. The sound of it irritates me to no end, and it makes me hate the person who's dragging their feet sooooo much. Like why can't you lift up your feet when you walk? Do your feet not work or something? Do your feet weigh ten tons? Huh? Quit dragging your damn feet. I know it's the stupidest thing to hate, but I hate the sound soooooo much!

Another thing I hate as much as the sound of dragged feet is the sound of plastic bags crinkling. I HATE IT SO MUCH, YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND! Does anyone else find the sound that plastic bags make the most annoying thing ever? I hate that sound the most when I'm trying to watch tv or something. My brother and I love to watch movies at home with all the lights off and everything, so that it's just like a theater, except it's not. But my mom- oh, my mom! She'll come downstairs to the kitchen (which is kind of connected to the tv room) and turn on all the lights. And that's not all. It's like she has nothing else to do, so she decides to sort through and organize her plastic bag collection! (I'm not kidding, she really does have a collection of plastic bags that she claims she reuses, because apparently reusable fabric grocery bags have not been invented yet so she has to reuse plastic bags. This is another pet peeve, but I won't get into it because I don't want to risk my mom seeing if she, by some obscure miracle, finds my blog!). Anyways, my brother and I will be watching our movie, peacefully, then my mom will come down and sort through plastic bags. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is louder than the sound of crinkling plastic bags! We can't even hear the movie over the sound of the bags sometimes, it's that bad.

Know what else I hate? I hate when people walk really slow and block the whole sidewalk so that I can't walk around them and be on my way. If you've read one of my older posts, I've mentioned it briefly or excessively (I don't remember); and maybe from other posts, you've figured that I absolutely HATE slow walkers. Either way, I can't stand walking behind really, really slow walkers on the street or at school or anywhere. They already walk slow, but they have to make everyone else behind them slow too! Is that not aggravating or what? Sometimes I walk faster than people who are taller than me, and they're the ones with long legs. How is it possible that people can walk so slow??? Someone please tell me, because I honestly don't understand why there are slow walkers on this planet!

I hate school. I am absolutely dead serious when I say that I hate school! High school especially. The stress, the pressure, the work, the early hours, the everything! I don't know if you know this, but I'm currently in grade 12, which means that I am trying to get the good grades to go to good universities and I'm applying to universities and blah blah blah. But the stress is too much! I swear, school is driving me insane. I hate how everything I do now, in grade 12, as a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD, affects my future. If I don't get the good grades, I won't be going anything next year. You know how much pressure that is?! I'm going to drive myself crazy! I barely sleep now, and I've developed dark circles under my eyes! I've never had that before, so it's pretty scary! I'm no doctor and I'm not officially diagnosing myself with this, but I'm convinced that I've developed insomnia. Now, I don't know how serious it is, but it can get pretty bad some nights. It takes the longest time for me to fall asleep. Some nights I'll lie in bed for almost 2 hours, wide awake, just worrying over the future and the work load and everything! I literally stress myself out so bad that I can barely sleep. The struggle is real!

The list could go on and on, but you probably don't want to listen to me complain about anything and everything, so I'll stop.

I feel like I may have offended some of you by hating on things that you do... But anyways...

Have I mentioned that I also really hate chocolate? Never mind, the post is too long. I'm gonna stop here. Bye!


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