Saturday 7 February 2015

Why high school sucks

A lot of people tell you that high school will be the best 4 or 5 years of your life. Well my friend, they are LYING TO YOUR FACE. High school is only great for 2 kinds of people: the popular ones and the outgoing ones. Actually, there's just one kind because the popular ones are the outgoing ones, and the outgoings end up being popular.

Honestly, high school kind of sucks ass for people like me. The quiet, shy, introverted kind. Yeah, high school really sucks when you're not popular, I get it; and if you are popular, then maybe this post isn't for you. But hey, I honestly don't care if I'm popular or not because after high school popularity won't matter.

But it's not just not being popular that sucks, everything about high school sucks!

So, why high school sucks:

1. Friend groups. In high school, once friend groups are established, they are set; there's no changing things or making new friends. I don't get why at the beginning of every new school year principals and teachers are always like go make new friends, expand your circle because that is total bullshit. How can you make new friends when no one is accepting and no one is willing to add to their friend groups. At a lot of schools people aren't nice, but luckily at mine people are nice, but still, they aren't going to let you into their friend group. There is this one group in my grade that's considered the "popular" group, and I swear, they only let in people who they think are hot or good-looking or whatever. Like at the beginning of each year, there are always new students, and if that new student is good-looking, they will somehow be accepted into the group and everyone will look and act like they've been friends since day one or something. I'm not saying I know the group well, so I shouldn't be so quick to judge, but from my observations, that's what it looks like. I hate the expectation to expand one's group because that is fucking impossible.

2. Being in the background. I'm not outgoing to start with, so obviously I'll be ignored for the most part. I'm quite shy and antisocial, and I don't initiate conversations unless forced to. So, because of my strangely antisocial ways, not a lot of people notice me. I'd be kidding myself if I thought more than half my grade knew my name, or that I even exist. Sometimes it can make me feel pretty shitty about myself. Is there something wrong with me? Is that why I'm always in the background? Am I actually invisible? I don't know...

3. Need help. I swear, most people only know my name or know I exist when they need something. The popular group especially. They'll be especially nice to me because they need my help, and I buy into it, because I am nice and I do want to help them, even if they're pretentious. Sometimes I fool myself into thinking that maybe for once they do know I exist, but then the moment I finish helping them, nothing has changed, and I end up feeling like crap, one for thinking that I could actually leave the background, and two for ever allowing people to use me. I pretty fucking tired of being used, of only being visible when someone needs help.

4. Teachers who think you're three. There are a few teachers at my school that talk to their class like everyone's a fucking three year old. Everyone in the building is thirteen or older, so stop talking to us like we don't understand english. To an outsider, it might seem like the teacher is talking to a three year old immigrant from China or something, or even a dog, based on their tone and actions. I swear, in some of their eyes, we are little kids. I hate it. Sometimes it's so ridiculous that I want to burst out laughing during class. And yes, it does get that bad sometimes that I have to bite my cheeks to keep from laughing like a crazy person.

5. The early hours. I don't know if your teachers ever told you this, but some of mine tell me all the time that research has shown that teenage brains work best or teens are more productive and creative after 10 am. So why the fuck do they make school start at 8:30am?! That makes absolutely no sense to me. Why? I mean, maybe they didn't see the research. Or maybe they did and just want to torture us. And it's not only that, but the teachers give you a ton of homework that is due the next day, so you have to stay up late, and then they expect you to wake up so fucking early and stay awake during classes. What do they think we are? Robots? We're not Superman; we can't have late night studying sessions and then wake up early and go to school at 8:30 and look alive! Most people look like zombies at school probably because of the early start time. 8:30? What the heck is that? Why 8:30? Why so early??

The list of why high school sucks could go on forever, but I'm tired and want to sleep, so Imma stop here. For now...


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