Sunday 22 February 2015

My OCD hurts

It annoys me when someone says my OCD hurts or "blank" is hurting my OCD. First, WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? And second, if the doctor didn't officially diagnose you with obsessive-compulsive disorder, you can't go around pretending you have OCD because it sounds cool or whatever. How does one's OCD even "hurt"?

Let me educate those who are using the term completely incorrectly. OCD doesn't have feelings; it does not feel agony when something isn't "perfect" to the eyes. So saying "my OCD hurts" makes no sense.

I don't know what it is with our society, but for some super absurd reason, people think having OCD or more like claiming they do (when they actually don't) makes them cool. Why does having a disorder make you cool? It's almost like people who say things like blank is hurting my OCD is mocking people who actually have the disorder.

It's just so confusing. Actually no, it's sick how people will actually pretend they have a disorder. What the fuck is that, seriously?! There are people out there who actually suffer from OCD, and what would they think when they hear such immature and stupid person bleating about their OCD "hurting" when they see something so trivial like uneven stacks of paper. People who actually have OCD would never say something like that; they probably won't even talk about it, let alone complain about like those who don't even have the disorder. OCD is not something to joke about.

I don't have OCD, but that doesn't mean hearing people whine about their "OCD" is okay. Every time I hear my friends or anyone say something like blank is hurting their OCD, I almost always ask them wait. You have OCD? And their answer is always no, then my reply will be then don't say that. I know I sound annoying and like a mom or something, but really, if you don't have OCD, don't say something like that. If I got a dollar for every time I heard someone say something along the lines of my OCD hurts when something as small as a loose thread on a shirt or when something isn't lined up perfectly, I would be filthy rich.

Every time someone says something about "their OCD", I can't help but make a disgustedly annoyed face at them, because really? Are you serious complaining about a disorder that you don't even have? Get over yourself.


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