Tuesday 24 February 2015

When people just don't get it

I think of myself as a decently nice person, but when you piss me off, I might blow up in your face.

During my spare block at school, I do homework, unlike almost everyone else. Why would you work during your spare block and not go to Starbucks or something?, you ask. Well, young ward, I'll tell you why. One, because then I won't have to do it at home, and two, because when I get home, I can take longer naps and not have to jolt awake because I realized I haven't done any homework yet.

So, everyday before spare starts, I'll find a quiet, empty table to sit at and start working. Then the block will start, and one girl will come and join me. She's great, because she does work and doesn't talk much when I'm working. She's golden.

But then these other 2 girls come and sit down. And they don't just sit anywhere- they sit right in front or right beside me. The tables (long, rectangular tables) at my school can fit at least 10 people with a reasonable amount of space between each person. So why is it that they choose to sit so close that they're practically breathing down my neck. I mean, these girls are NOT bad or gross or mean or anything; they're okay, but still, I don't want them sitting so close. I barely have enough space to open my binder because all of their stuff is hogging up all the space.

Like please! Can you not? There is so much space at that table and there are only 4-6 people sitting there. Why do you think we have such large tables if you're just going to sit so close to me that I have barely enough room to breathe.

But that's not even the worst part.

So everyday I try to finish most of my homework, and to do homework, I need peace and quiet. That's all I need. But these 2 girls just don't understand that some people can't focus when there are people chitchatting away beside them.

Honestly, I have never been more annoyed at school than I have been for the past few weeks.

I sit away from other groups to try to work. But these girls just come, take up all my space and chatter nonstop. There is literally no end to their conversations. It drives me insane. You think they're gonna stop talking because there's a brief moment of silence, but then they'll start up again, and it'll make you want to pull your hair out.

There have been so many times where I caught myself making an utterly annoyed face or rolling my eyes. It's unbidden, I can't help it. These 2 girls never seem to catch my drift. When they talk to me while I'm working, I'll give them short or one word answers and go straight back to working so that they'd know I'm busy and I don't want to be bother. I swear, they just don't see my subtle hints.

I don't want to straight up tell them to stop talking because I think it's rude, but they've kind of pushed me to the point where I am so close to losing it. If they're going to talk, MOVE SOMEWHERE ELSE for goodness sake. If I move, they follow. So, what am I supposed to do?

I don't get why some people just don't see it when someone's annoyed and they just continue to poke at that person until one day that person will just outright lose it.


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