Wednesday 25 February 2015

Who are YOU?

I started this blog almost half a year ago. I started the blog as a way to find my voice in writing and to vent about my problems to no one in particular. But then people started reading my posts (or at least that's what I'm assuming is what they're doing on my blog... or are they really here because they need a good laugh and I'm a joke to them... I don't know... I don't think I want to know...). Anyways, the number of page views began to proliferate, and I was like maybe I should keep writing about stupid stuff...

I've always wondered who read my posts and whether or not the people who read them actually like and enjoy my stupid stories and the awkward situations I put myself into. No one comments on the posts, and that's fine because I wasn't expecting anyone to even read my posts in the first place, let alone comment on anything.

But I've always wanted to hear from the people who read my posts... Do you like the blog? Do I just sound annoying and like a whiner? Do you relate to me or am I the only one? I'd like to know.

I'm not saying YOU HAVE TO COMMENT or anything, but it'd be nice to know what you think of me. If you don't think highly of me and think I'm some kind of joke, I don't want to know... But if you have something nice to say or even just say hi, that would be great!

Okay, that's all...


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