Monday 16 March 2015

Falling head over heels for Netflix

I may be the LAST PERSON ON EARTH to get Netflix... But hey, better late than never. Ish... I don't know... I'm pretty late, super late, extremely late.

I literally just got Netflix like... I don't know, a few nights ago. I am the slowest person on earth, seriously. Anyways, I finally caved and got Netflix!! Ah!!! *jumps around like a crazy person* So excited!!!!! I can't even contain myself! And oh my stars! It is the best and worst thing to ever happen to me.

I can finally, after waiting like 10 years, watch The 100! The 100 is so intense. It's sooooo good! (Anyone else watch The 100? Who am I kidding, everyone has seen that show) If you haven't seen The 100 I definitely recommend it! It is the bomb! I can't even tell you how excited that show makes me feel! I've been trying to catch up for... like... ever. I can finally catch up! No more searching relentlessly for a sketchy watch-online site to watch The 100 episodes! Ah!!!! Thank you Netflix! You da best.

I've been binge watching TV shows and movies like there's no tomorrow, which is so, so bad. But whatever. It's spring break anyways. I haven't slept in forever and I haven't started any homework yet, but that's okay because I got Netflix! I'm so in love with it, I feel like I'm going insane. Why hadn't I gotten it until now? What was wrong with me?

I'm gonna go watch Netflix now!

Sorry this post is real short, but Netflix man... I need to watch the last few episodes of The 100! 


(P.S. read this post in a frantic, super fast voice and I'll definitely sound crazy/hyper/insanely hyper)


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