Saturday 28 March 2015

I can't read contemporary books

I love reading sci-fi/ dystopian/ post-apocalyptic/ the-end-of-the-world type books. Those are my everything.

But occasionally, I love me some contemporary, especially cute lovey-dovey contemporary books. I read these occasionally because sometimes I just need a break from all the intense futuristic books that I normally read. Sometimes I'm in a mourning period over a series or book I just finished and I need a pick-me-up. Sometimes I don't want to go to imaginary worlds and I just want to stay in the world I'm in now.

But I hate, HATE, the feeling I get after reading a cutesy contemporary book, because it's always the same. Throughout the book, you're just waiting for the relationship to hit full-bloom, and you just can't wait for the guy and girl to finally fall in love. And then when they do, the book ends 2 pages later. And you're just left hanging there, like but... wha- but I need more...

I hate it. When do authors do that? They keep what you want just out of reach and tease you a bit, then they finally give it to you and you have it in your hands for 5 seconds (maybe even less) and they snatch it away. You only get a brief moment to be happy and then it's over. It's just so not fair...

I just (like literally just) finished reading To all the boys I've loved before, and holy spades, I loved every page of that book. It was one of the cutest, sweetest, funniest books ever. I didn't want to read it before because I knew it was a lovey-dovey type of contemp book, and I knew I was going to feel super down afterwards, so I never got around to picking it up. But recently I went to the bookstore, and there it was, staring at me, whispering buy me, buy me. And best of all, it had the glorious Signed Copy sticker on it! I was sold on just the sticker and didn't hesitate to pick it up. The moment I finished the book I was reading before, I started To all the boys I've loved before. Every moment with that book was magical. I loved the characters and just everything about it.

But now that I've finished, I feel all empty inside. Like there's nothing to read. No other book on my to-be-read pile is a cutesy contemp book. No other book will make me as happy as I was reading To all the boys I've loved before. Not other book can fill the gaping hole in my heart. My life is over because that book is over. I can't wait 2 months for the sequel. That's just not going to happen. And what happens after the sequel. What will I do then? There won't be anymore after that!

I hate cute contemp books for this very reason. I can never have enough, I barely get any, and then it's over, forever, because all the lovey-dovey books are stand alones.

It's like cute contemp books are heroin, and I get addicted every time I start one. I get high on the cutesy rom-com stories. Everything is fantastical when I'm reading cute contemp books. I get high and I don't care about anything. I love it. And then when it's over, I go into withdrawal. Then I wither up and die a little on the inside because I never want the feeling to end.

*sighs heavily* I'm just gonna go lie down on the floor and wonder what will become of my life...


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