Thursday 26 March 2015

The 100!!! (Blood must have blood)

If you haven't seen The 100 up to the season 2 finale, don't read on. You NEED to watch The 100 if you haven't already! Go watch it and then come back. If you haven't read my first post about The 100, then click here if you want to check it out. Now I need to discuss and vent about The 100!!!!!!!!

Oh my stars! Lincoln! Why can't all the grounders be like him?! I mean, if they all were, then we won't have to fight all the time and we could all easily team up together and take down the mountain men. And Lincoln and Octavia! They're just... so cute together! They're both so kick-ass and understanding. They would make great leaders. I love how Lincoln doesn't always agree with the grounders' ways. I love how he questions things sometimes and how he is willing to listen to others. Life would be so much easier if Lincoln were the Commander... Finn wouldn't have been killed if Lincoln were Commander.

Lexa. I like her, but I'm not too crazy about her. And I'm not that big a fan of Lexa and Clarke. Bellarke all the way! Anyways... Lexa is okay. She's always fair and open-minded. But she can also be kind of scary and powerful sometimes.  I trusted her in the beginning and all the way up to the betrayal. I was so upset, SO UPSET, and mad at Lexa. How dare she do something like that after all they've been through and after what Clarke has done to get them there. I was so upset, I didn't even know what to do with myself for the rest of that episode. I hate how the whole battle prep thing worked me up and got me super pumped to take down Mt. Weather together, with the grounders and sky people. They were all in the tent, going over the battle plan, and then Lexa gave her inspirational speech and everyone chanted Jus drein jus daun! Blood must have blood! And I was like Yeah! Blood must have blood! And then Lexa just made a stupid deal with the stupid Mountain men, and it was ALL OVER. So not fair... I don't know how Lexa is going to make it up to Clarke and everyone else. I honestly don't think she would apologize for what she did because she thought it was the right and only thing to do. I don't think she'll be able to make it up to us. I don't know, though, we'll see. But can we forgive Lexa?

The battle was going to be epic, with the big group at the door, and Indra and Octavia and company in the underground tunnels, and Bellamy and everyone on the inside. Oh my gosh! Indra! She's awesome and so scary at the same time. She scares me, a lot. She's so intense and kill-crazy all the time. Kill, kill, kill. Kill Clarke because I don't trust her. Kill Finn because he killed my people. Kill Lincoln because he betrayed me. I hate how she doesn't trust anyone. But at the same time, I get it. She's obviously seen what the sky people can do and seen a lot of things that caused her to not trust anyone. But please Indra, the sky people are not as dangerous and murderous as you think. Calm yourself.

Oh! I totally forgot about Anya! Ugh! At first she was very scary (actually, all the grounders seem very scary to me) and she was always like I don't trust the sky people, end of conversation. But then later on, she changed. That whole episode of her and Clarke hiking around the forest, trying to find either the grounders or the Ark people, I really thought that we couldn't trust Anya anymore, because I thought she wouldn't change her views of us and she would refuse to make a truce or any sort of peace treaty. But then by the end of that episode, Clarke convinced her that making peace with each other would help both groups and Anya was like okay, I'll go talk to my people and I really thought things were gonna change. Then the stupid Ark people had to shoot her and kill her before she even took 3 steps into the forest. The Ark people literally killed their chance of working with the grounders. So stupid...

The Grounders' language is so cool! I love it! Though I don't get why they made up a whole new language. It's only been 97 years... I don't get it but I don't care. Their special language makes them that much cooler anyways. At first when I heard the grounders speak their language, I was like what is this gibberish? Why do they talk like they don't know English? because initially I thought it's only been 97 years, they can't possibly not know enough English that they had to make up their own language... But as I continued on watching other episodes and the grounders spoke more of their language, everything just clicked! Their language is not a whole other language, it's just like English but more messed up and not grammatical and more direct. If you listen carefully, you can catch a few English words amongst that other stuff. I guess because their accents are kind of, really, heavy and weird, it just makes everything sound foreign.

I can't stop thinking about that failure of a battle. I'm just so disappointed in Lexa. I know it's not really her fault, because she was only trying to save her people. But dude, what about Clarke's people? Huh? I really, really wanted to see the downfall of Mt. Weather, how great that would have been... I mean, Mt Weather is beyond messed up, I wouldn't have minded seeing the grounders slaughter all those... those... bitches. In the end though, there are no good guys or bad guys; everyone's just trying to survive and save their people.


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