Monday 23 March 2015


If you haven't seen the TV show The 100 or you haven't finished the second season yet, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, because I WILL spoil it and you really need to watch it if you haven't already. So leave if you haven't seen everything till the end of season 2. Leave right now. Don't be here if you're not all caught up. Go watch it and... GO WATCH IT!

Okay!... So, where to begin??? I don't know... I'm just... so EXCITED about The 100! I can't organize my thoughts! I'm gonna be all over the place but whatever.

Favourite characters:
Clarke, for sure! Who doesn't love Clarke!? What else is there to say? Clarke is so kick-ass and smart. And a doctor! Oh! And Bellamy! At first I didn't really like Bellamy, with his "whatever the hell I want" attitude and making everyone think that they're free to do whatever the hell they want. It's like, seriously, man, you can't do whatever the hell you want. If you do whatever the hell you want all day, you're going to kill yourself and everyone else. But then, as the story progressed, he changed and my hatred melted. I love Clarke and Bellamy's relationship! I ship them real hard. Bellarke! Clarkamy! Oh my goodness! They have to be together by the end of all this or I'm gonna die.

I love Bellamy's relationship with Octavia too. He's so protective and caring. Well, sometimes a little too much of both, but it's okay, I mean, he has every right to be scared of losing her. And Octavia! She's so awesome, I can't even handle it. Her transformation was incredible: from a girl who didn't care about anything other than hanging around cute boys to a warrior princess with kick-ass sword skills. Every time she whipped out her sword from the sheath on her back, I was like Woah! She's so good! She's like a grounder, but not a grounder. I don't know what she is. She doesn't really belong with the Ark people because she wasn't even supposed to be born, but she doesn't belong with the grounders because she's not a real grounder. She's like a hybrid of sorts and it's awesome.

Thelonious Jaha:
I don't even know what to say about him. I liked him at first because he didn't want to give up on the kids when everyone else (except for Abby and co.) just didn't care anymore. And I thought his motives to help people and to help the human race survive were good. But then I realized that maybe he doesn't care as much as I initially thought he did. He only supported the continuation of the 100 project thing because his son was there.

And I feel like he's a little pretentious and naive... like... all the time.

In season 1, there were so many, SO MANY times where he was like I'm going die with those people because they're my people. And blah blah blah. So stupid! Did he honestly think that by dying with that small group of people he was helping people? If he died with them, then who'd be Chancellor? Then later, there was some kind of malfunction with the launching of the Ark and they were running out of air and someone needed to manually launch the ships or whatever to get people to Earth, and Jaha was like I'll launch it to save my people and die on the Ark, my home. And I was like okay, cool, bye Jaha. I guess that's the last of him. But nope. Some imaginary baby saves him and he rides a missile! A missile down to Earth. And by some miracle, he doesn't die from the impact, and he somehow lands in the same area of the Earth, on the same continent as everyone else, and survived. What the hell? And he goes to Camp Jaha and thinks he knows the place so well and can lead his people to safety because the one person who helped him told him about the City of Light. He knows nothing about anything and he just thinks that he could lead the whole freaking group from their camp to the City of Light. So stupid! He doesn't even know where it is or if it even exists. But you know, he has faith, so that's a good enough reason to drop everything and follow him to the desert and walk to his City of Light.

He's the kind of person that thinks he's all mighty and above everyone and is such a know-it-all. He walked into the camp thinking he could take over the camp and be the Chancellor again and make all the decisions and oh my goodness! He's so pretentious. He's been on the ground for like 10 seconds and he thinks he knows what's best for his people! You don't know anything, man. He took that whole group into the desert and wander around aimlessly trying to find the City of Light. He risked so many lives by doing that. He thinks he's helping everyone, but he's not helping anyone by being reckless and stupid.

He's also the kind of person to kill everyone if that means he lives. He's always talking about how a few lives need to be sacrificed for the greater good and to save more lives. But hell, he's only trying to save himself. During the scene where Jaha and his small group were on the boat, I couldn't help but laugh. Oh man! Jaha was at bow of that rickety boat, just looking out into the distance, all tired and sad, while everyone else was working hard rowing. And when one of the guys got tired and Murphy offered to take his place, Jaha was like NO! Don't you stop now, we're almost there, I have faith. It was hilarious. Everyone was tired as hell and Jaha did nothing the whole time, yet he had the nerve to be like you don't get to be tired, keep working. So funny! And then when that monster/sea worm/ octopus thing came and ate one of the guys and one of the oars fell into the water, Jaha was like get the oar and row! Yeah, get the oar because that monster thing won't come back, no. It's safe to reach into the water to get it. So stupid. And he did nothing but sit there while the Murphy and the other guy scrambled to get the boat moving again. So the other guy started rowing and the boat shook and cracks started appearing at the bottom of the ship and water was getting into the boat and the guy rowing wasn't going fast enough, and Jaha just pushed him overboard. Needed to get rid of dead weight was probably his excuse for doing that. Sacrificing a few for the greater good. At this point I was laughing like a crazy person. Jaha's the type of person to push everyone, even his own friends, to their deaths if that can save him. The only reason he didn't push Murphy overboard too was because he needed Murphy to row. And when they got to the island, Murphy was injured and couldn't go on, and Jaha just left him to follow that stupid flying disk thing that looks like a toy. Jaha is both absolutely annoying and hilariously naive. I can't decide whether I hate him or love him.

This post was way longer than I anticipated and there will be a part 2 because I'm not done talking about The 100.

I can't believe it... Jaha took over the whole post...


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