Thursday 5 March 2015

The sweet taste of victory

I am STUPIDLY competitive at anything and everything.

It's just something that I have yet to grow out of. It's so stupid and childish. I will turn anything and everything a competition, but let's be real, EVERYTHING'S A COMPETITION. What's funny is that the person I'm competing against doesn't even know what's happening, because it's all in my head.

If someone is walking ahead of me, sometimes I will walk faster just so that I will be ahead of them. If I'm ahead of them, then I win! 

At work, if the person sitting next to me is marking homework, I have to mark faster than them and mark more work than them, because I gotta win this stupid competition in my head. By the way, I work at a tutoring centre if you're wondering why I mark stuff at work. Anyways, I have to beat them, I just have to. I'm pretty sure I look like a fool trying to scramble through my work so that I have more stuff marked and I mark at a faster rate. But I do mark a lot faster than most people, so I win.

During my spare block, there is this girl who sits with me everyday and everyday she complains about how chemistry is hard and it sucks and stuff. And competitive old me is all like actually, chemistry is really easy, it's not as hard as you think it is. But in truth, chemistry concepts are hard when you first learn them, they only become easier when you actually know the stuff well, as goes with anything in life. But of course I have to say that chemistry is easy, because if chemistry is hard for her and easy for me, then I win.

When people tell me they've read this book or whatever that I've already read, then I'll be like wow... cool... yeah, I read that a long time ago in a deadpan voice. I stupidly expect them to know what books I've read. But I read it before them, so the winner is me.

When people tell me they read a certain book within a certain amount of days, like 7 days for example, Imma be like yeah, I read that in 3 days! In your face. I win!

Monopoly is the WORST for me. I have to win at everything already, but to win at Monopoly is hard. At first everyone is excited to play and stuff, then the game drags on for awhile and people begin to lose interest, but not me, I'm still fully invested in the game. I will force people to play, even if I know I'm gonna win; I just need to make sure that I win. It's so sad, everyone knows I'm going to win, but I still force them to play so that I could bankrupt everyone. I feel so powerful when I have everyone's money! I'm not crazy, I swear. In the end, I almost always win.

The worst thing ever, when you're a competitive person, is losing. I can't handle losing. I hate it. If I lose at something, something as minuscule as not finishing a book before someone else, I'm gonna be mad for the rest of the day. I'll scold myself for not winning. It's really sad...

I'm sorry if I come off as a crazy person. I'm just addicted to competition. The feeling of knowing I'm the winner is too sweet to give up. And saying "in your face" while tapping your shoulders like beat that is just too good. I love it.


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