Sunday 26 April 2015

A serious case of Senioritis

So I can almost see the finish line... The school year's almost over (thank goodness!) and that means senioritis is spreading. Fast.

Before grade 12, I'd always hear stories of how grade 12 students start getting lazy towards the end of the school year, how their grades start dropping, and the motivation levels are below zero. I always thought to myself that I would never fall into that slump, never would I get lazy; I was so determined to finish with a bang, to not catch this contagious disease that is known as senioritis.

Well, I have failed miserably.

I am not immune to laziness. As much as I'd like to think that I can rise to the occasion and work hard, I simply can't. I caught senioritis the week before spring break. I mean, honestly... So early? The week before spring break, half my grade was preparing for the geo trip (which was leaving 3 days before spring break actually started). All the teachers knew about it, so we did all our tests and handed in all our assignments before Wednesday. So after Wednesday, there wasn't much to do at school. And at the start of spring break, I FINALLY signed up for Netflix... and that started my descent into senioritis.

Now, with only a little more than a month and a half to go, senioritis is really hitting me hard.

I barely do anything, ever. Except watch Breaking Bad and Daredevil on Netflix (anyone else watch Daredevil? It's the best thing ever!!!!) and read books. I'm taking an ap course right now, so you'd think that I'd actually work hard, but nope. I stopped working hard since spring break. I have a decent amount of homework everyday, but I never, or rarely, do it at home. I usually come home, read for a bit, watch stuff on Netflix till dinner, then after dinner, read for a bit or surf the interwebs, then I'll get super tired and can't go on, so I take a nap (not just a 1/2 hour nap, but a 2 hour nap). When I wake up from my nap, which is around 10:30 - 11-ish, I'll watch Youtube videos, then start my homework at 12. I'll do a little bit, then tell myself that I should sleep, so I don't end up doing my homework. Then the next day, I have to rush everything and scramble to finish everything during my spare (which is only 70-ish minutes long) and sometimes I have to go into overtime and spend my lunch time working on the homework that I had so much time at home to do but didn't do.

And for tests... Well, I'll just say that I am seriously surprised that I'm still doing decently well at school. How? I don't even know... It's a real miracle that my grades haven't dropped significantly... yet... I barely study for tests now. I used to go hardcore and study until I knew everything inside out. Now, I just kind of skim through my notes and review a bit of the stuff and then cross my fingers and hope for the best. I mean, there's nothing much I can do... Most of my studying starts the night before the test, and if I'm lucky and the class I have a test for falls after lunch, then I can study a bit during spare and lunch.

A couple days ago, I finally realized that I had senioritis. Before that, I had been in denial; I didn't want to admit that I had lost the battle against the inevitable. I should have seen the signs. The first symptom was binge-watching TV shows on Netflix; that should have been a red flag to me, but I was so blinded by my excitement of getting to watch everything at once that I didn't see the first trigger. Then the second symptom was the buildup of homework; I have to do literally all my homework during my 70-minute spare almost everyday since coming back from spring break. The symptoms are endless.

I think senioritis will be my downfall... I salute those who have stayed strong and haven't caught a case of senioritis. I can no longer go on, it's time I admit defeat.


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