Friday 24 April 2015

That time I forgot my concert ticket

Just this evening I went to an university info session for future students and parents. I guess the university was trying to make it all fancy and stuff so they made everyone who wanted to attend get tickets. Now already I'm confused. First what kind of university student and parent info night requires tickets, and second why do we need tickets if the event is free? Anyways, I didn't want to print out the stupid tickets so I opted to the mobile phone ticket download instead. I clicked on the ticket thing on the way to the event, and it was like download required app, so I was like fine whatever. I got the app, set everything up and it was like no tickets found, want to search for events around your area. What the? So I spent 15 minutes trying to figure the stupid app out, and the tickets wouldn't appear. I didn't drive all that way to not get to go in because my tickets won't appear! So I thought maybe I should just go to the library and print it out.

And that got me thinking about that time I forgot my concert ticket.

It was last summer (2014) and my friend and I were taking the skytrain to the concert venue. The day before, I was texting my friend, reminding her to bring her ticket, and we were joking around about how funny it would be if one of us forgot our tickets. Well... The next day, day of the concert, half way to the venue, my friend was like hey, good thing you reminded me to bring my ticket because I almost forgot, and I was like haha, yeah. And then she was like you got your ticket right? And in that moment, I was paralyzed-shocked. Oh shit! I didn't have my ticket!!!! Oh my fucking goodness! I forgot my ticket! I was the one who was like don't forget your ticket/ it would be terrible if you forgot your ticket and I'm the one who forgot her ticket.

All I could think was oh shit oh shit oh shit. My friend thought I was joking... but I wasn't.

So while the train continued to head towards the stadium, I was frantically trying to think of a way to get my stupid ticket that I stupidly forgot. I thought about hopping off the train and heading back the other way to go home to grab the ticket, but that would take too long. I could ask my dad to get the ticket for me and I head back the other way and meet him half way, but that again would take too long. I wouldn't make it back in time in any scenario I thought of. On the verge of flipping shit, I thought I was done. That's it. I can't go to the concert that I've been waiting forever to go to. My life is so close to being over. Luckily my friend's head was straight and she suggested that we go to the library to print out the ticket.

Thank the stars! This was my chance to redeem myself. We got off at the city centre station and had a couple blocks to cover to get to the nearest library. So like maniacs, we ran down the few blocks, thinking we were out of time (when in reality, we still had an hour before the doors opened). Every time we hit an intersection, the light would turn red, and we'd stand there like weirdos trying to catch our breaths.Why did we even run if we were just going to have to stop at intersections anyways?

Finally we got to the library. We needed to use a computer. But wait! We can't because we need a library card/ account thing. I don't have one, but by some miracle my friend has one but she didn't have her library card with her. After some negotiating, we were allowed access to the computers and printer. I accessed the email with tickets and tried to print but it wouldn't let me. Now I was all panicked again. We were wildly whispering back and forth. What should we do? What should we do? I went on the Ticketmaster site, logged in and tried to print. Wouldn't let me. The only way to print another ticket was to transfer it to someone so that they could print it out. I sent the ticket to my friend, she opened her email and tried to print. WOULDN'T PRINT. At that point, I was done, I'd given up. Good thing my friend's smart. She figured out that she needed to make a Ticketmaster account to print the ticket (which should have been obvious to me, but it wasn't).  So after 15 minutes of setting it up and verifying everything, the account was made. We tried to print for the hundredth time, and FINALLY the ticket was printed.

It was an absolute mad scramble to get my ticket, but it makes for a good story.

At the time, it was nowhere near as funny as I thought it would be if one of us forgot our tickets; we were so stressed out over my mistake. But now, it's absolutely hilarious to just think about my stupidity.


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