Wednesday 29 April 2015


Daredevil is officially my new favourite superhero! I think he may have even taken the top spot and bumped Spider-man down to second place. And that's a huge deal, because I love Spider-man and he has just been replaced.. ish (there's still a special spot in my heart for him).

The thing that sold me on Daredevil was how human he is. He is vulnerable. He's blind. He's not invincible. He's not the strongest. He's only trying to do the right thing. I admire how human he is as a charcter. There's something about him that feels so real. He's not the kind of hero that only throws punches and never receives any (not that other heroes are like that, most get one or two big blows and gives back ten times as many to their enemy). Daredevil gets as many punches as he delivers. He could hit someone ten times, and get hit back ten times. And the thing about him is he isn't the strongest. He gets tired during fights, he doesn't always have the advantage, he loses some and wins some.

I don't think you should continue on reading this post if you haven't seen the entire season of Daredevil because I might spoil you by accident and that's the last thing you want- to be spoiled. If you haven't seen Daredevil yet, leave and WATCH IT! I've been pushing everyone, and I mean everyone, to watch Daredevil for the past few weeks. My parents think I'm insane and my friends... also think I'm insane. The day Daredevil was released on Netflix, I watched 5 episodes in a row, so maybe I am insane. Just go watch Daredevil, you won't regret it! I promise. Now, if you haven't seen it, bye.

Are you gone yet?


I love the way every fight keeps me on the edge of my seat. There are so many ups and downs during each fight that every moment of the fight, I'm constantly wondering how things will end. You can't predict the end results of these fights, and I love that about Daredevil. That hallway fight scene in episode 2 (I believe... or in one of the first few episodes) was a total gem, though not the most original. I literally held my breath the entire time. As Matt fought off the Russians, you could see the strain on his face, the tiredness in his every move, but he kept going. Another thing Daredevil did right was giving Matt more than one opponent to fight at once. In a lot of action movies, I find that the main character/hero/whoever is always only fighting one person at a time, like all the other bad guys are lined up waiting for their turn to fight. That is totally unrealistic and I hate it. But in Daredevil, Matt is often fighting against more than one person at a time, and he handles it just fine.

I need to talk about Wilson Fisk for a moment.

Oh my goodness. Vincent D'Onofrio was unbelievably amazing. My mind is absolutely blown by how incredible D'Onofrio was as Fisk. In my opinion, Wilson Fisk is one of the best villains ever. The depth of that character! I can't even. There had been so many times were I was actually feeling for Fisk, kind of wanting him to win, just once. D'Onofrio is just- I don't even know. The way D'Onofrio portrayed Fisk was just so good. I have no words to describe his magnificence. Fisk/D'Onofrio has the kind of face that kind of naturally looks sad. That already makes me feel for him a little bit. Also the way he talks and handles some things. He's so calm and patient most of the time (well, I guess he's that way because he knows he's on top) that I almost fall for his reasoning and for his excuses every time he talks.

Fisk's past really was just something else... I don't even know what to say. Like I pity him, but at the same time, he scares the hell out of me. He can be extremely violent when he's upset and/or angry and it's terrifying to watch him take his anger out on other people (the Russian guy and the car door, his father's death).

Fisk and Vanessa. Like... ugh. I love them together and I hate them together. I don't like how she supports his evil ways but at the same time, I love the way she accepts him for who he is and doesn't try to change him. It's scary to think that she agrees with his evil doings, but you have to keep in mind that he's only trying to do what he thinks is right. Fisk is the hero in his own story and you can't really blame him for wanting to do what's right. But it's just the way he executes things; it's terrifying beyond belief.

Daredevil and Fisk are the heroes in their own stories and the enemies in each other's, and the dynamic of their relationship is crazy cool. I can't wait to see where things will go in season 2. Fisk may be in jail, but he's not done. And that scares me a lot, but I'm also super stoked.

Oh! I almost forgot! The costume! Daredevil's red suit! Since starting the series, I had literally been waiting forever to see it. And when they finally show it, it's during the season finale, and you only get to see it for like five minutes. But whatever, I'll take what I can get. I was so looking forward to seeing the red suit and seeing Matt kick ass in his awesome, slick, protective suit. Throughout the whole series, every time he got cut (and especially in the scene where he was fighting the Japanese ninja guy, oh my goodness) I would cringe and suck in a breath because the pain- every time he got cut, all I could think was get some kind of armor to wear under your black shirt, please! You're literally only wearing a long-sleeved black shirt. And you've been fighting for quite some time, get your act together and get some type of protective gear. It was so painful watching Matt get cut up and beaten like a punching bag. And when I finally got to see the red suit in action and see Matt covered up and protected, the season ends. They did that to me on purpose.

I may be the only one, but I was so confused about Hell's Kitchen. I didn't know if it was a city, the name of the building where Nelson and Murdock reside, or some made-up place like Gotham. I don't know if I just lack knowledge in geography or whatever, or if it was obvious what Hell's Kitchen is, but I didn't catch on for the longest time. I think like two thirds of the way, I finally figured out that Hell's Kitchen is a neighborhood.

Daredevil is one of the best shows of 2015. I know it's a little early to say that, but I don't think anything else could top the awesomeness of Daredevil.

I have nothing to live for and all that's left to do is countdown the days until Daredevil returns... Just kidding. I think I'll get by just fine... Maybe...


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