Sunday 19 April 2015

Recently stabbed in the back

So for the past few days I felt like someone had stabbed me in the back and left the knife there. Not like "stabbed in the back" figuratively (like the idiom), but more like literally.

Well, not literally.

For the past week, I've been having really bad backaches. I don't know why. The morning my back started hurting, I tried to think back to what I did the day before. Did I pull a muscle in my back without knowing it? Probably not, because I've haven't exercised in forever. Did I hit my back on something? Not likely, since I would have felt that the moment I hit it. Is it my bed? But I've been sleeping on the same bed, same mattress, since... I don't know when... but long enough for me to forget. For the longest time I just couldn't figure it out.

If I were smart, I would have gone to a doctor, you know, to get professional help and advice. But I'm not smart. I thought, this is only temporary, nothing too serious; the internet can help me. So I went online to seek help (because I'm stupid enough to rely on the internet to advise me on my health) and some of the stuff I found was a possibility (like maybe it's the way I've been sitting) and some of the stuff I found was scary.

I started convincing myself that I had some kind of disease, or my muscles were breaking down, or I tore some tissue that couldn't heal. After 2 days of hurting so bad that I could barely sleep, I thought that my back would hurt forever, and I'd have a back of a 90 year old person for the rest of my life (why did I even think that?...).

The first few days, it hurt so much that I thought I wouldn't be able to get up in the morning to go to school. It hurt the most when I slept. Half way through my sleep, I'd wake up from the pain. It felt the way your leg might feel when it falls asleep or something, that feeling you get when you try to move it and it feels like your muscles are seizing up and someone's squeezing your muscles to the point of breaking, and every little movement makes your leg twitch and clutch up. It kinda felt like that, but worse. It also felt like a short pulse of pain and lightning every time I moved. The pain would radiate up my back for a second before calming down. I can't talk you how much it hurt to sleep.

But I can happily report that my back is better now, and I don't have any more backaches like I'm an ancient person. The origin of my back-stabbing ache is still unknown and will remain unknown because I still refuse to go to the doctor, justifying to myself that I got this under control.


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