Sunday 19 April 2015

Strange things I do when I'm bored

It may come to you as a shock, but my life isn't as exciting as you might think. (Kidding... you probably don't think that... and now you think I'm super weird for thinking that you think that...)

I get bored. A lot. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood to go out or even leave my room, but then hibernating in my room isn't all that fun either. Yes, there is Netflix to keep me occupied. But I've learned quickly that after watching 5-6 hours of Breaking Bad at a time is just... too much. The show's too intense; you can't binge watch too many episodes at once or you'll go crazy.

So when I'm bored, or more precisely, when I'd rather not do homework, I do kind of strange things.

There are the basic things that I will do to avoid homework, like clean my room or do my laundry.

Then there are the weirder things I do like reorganize my bookshelf for the hundredth time that month or lie on the floor and just stare at the ceiling, deep in thought. When I'm lying on the floor, to anyone walking by I might look like I'm possessed or there's something mentally wrong with me. Maybe there is something mentally wrong with me if I lie on the floor when I'm bored. It's just that sometimes I feel like I can think better when I'm lying on the floor. Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

Sometimes when I'm SUPER bored, I'll do crazy things. I started this whole blogging thing partly because I was bored one day and needed something to do. I made a Tumblr account a couple years back because I didn't want to do homework but there was nothing else better to do. I think a week-ish ago, I was bored and decided to make an Instagram account. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a big fan of social media stuff, so creating an Instagram account is weird. I don't know... I was just so bored and I needed something to do... Maybe one day I'll be so bored that I'll start a Youtube channel and make videos. But that's unlikely since I feel extremely uncomfortable talking to a camera.

I don't like self-promotion, but here I am promoting myself... Tumblr: sea-of-tainted-stars... Instagram: adiralux... Follow?? Like? Reblog? Okay... that's enough promoting...


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