Wednesday 8 April 2015

Thoughts I have at the dentist

I dread going to the dental office.

While I'm lying in the chair thing with all the arms and lights and tools, I'm either daydreaming about stupid stuff (like what would it be like to live in space or something) or thinking shit about the dentist and the staff. It's usually the latter. I mean, I don't think shit about them, I just... I don't know... talk to myself about how annoying and stupid they are and how I wish I could push them off their stupid chairs, run out, and be done with this stupid oral health thing.

The first thing I think when I enter the dental office is oh great, I'm here again. How many minutes of my life will be wasted sitting in a scary-looking chair while someone pokes at my teeth? Then I'll go in, sit in the chair and pray that it'll be over soon. I always hope that they'll just look at the x-ray of my teeth and take a peek inside my mouth and be like everything looks good, bye! By now, I should know that that will never, ever, happen, but one can still hope.

While I'm sitting in the robotic octopus-like chair getting my teeth checked out, a few thoughts (that are mostly directed towards the staff) constantly reoccur in my head, on an endless cycle: Are you done yet? Can I go now? Now, are you done? Can you not do that? You're hurting me...  WHAT was that? A needle? How many times can you possibly brush my teeth? You just picked at my teeth for 5 minutes, do you really need to floss it? I taste blood in my mouth, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I'd rather die than be here. Dude, lady, please. You've picked my gums raw and I'm pretty sure my gums aren't even attached to my teeth anymore. Please stop! Someone save me...

Sometimes I wonder if the staff at dental offices purposely pick at your gums with sharp pointy tools and not care if you're in pain or not. Maybe they find you annoying and deliberately poke deeper than they should to make you bleed. And when your gums do bleed, they make a super annoyed face like you just asked them to walk a couple miles to get a toothbrush for you or something. They'll scrunch up their faces in disgust and look at you like you're a disgrace to the human race. I don't know why but sometimes I find dental office staff to be some of the rudest people out there.

But just as how I wish for nothing more than to not have people pull at my mouth and use scary-noise-making tools in my mouth, the staff at dental offices probably want nothing more than to not have to touch the inside of people's mouths and deal with annoying customers.

I may be annoying to them, but it's not my fault. I'm not the one making my gums bleed like crazy and making my mouth hurt like hell.


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