Sunday 21 June 2015

Embarrassing things my dad does

So it's father's day! I don't know if it's father's day where you live, but it is here where I live, so I thought why not write about something dad-related. Every dad does at least something that is embarrassing, no matter how cool they may seem to one's friends. My dad is no exception.

1) When my dad listens to the radio in the car, he turns it up, like way up. I don't know if it's because his hearing isn't as good anymore or if he just likes the radio turned up. You're probably wondering why that's so embarrassing. Well... he likes to open the windows (like all the way down) when he drives. So now, while he's driving, his radio is blaring out for all to hear. And every time we stop at a red light, I hope with all my might that the car beside us won't have their windows open, because if they are open, they'll be able to hear our radio. I mean, it's not that big of a deal, but to someone like me, who is anxious about almost everything, it's so embarrassing when people look over at us. We all know those annoying people who have their rap music turned up to the max, and you can hear their music from blocks away. I always worry that my dad's radio is like that (minus the rap music part). It's super loud in the car, so can everyone else hear it? Or am I being embarrassed over nothing?

2) Ugly sweater. Most parents have that one ugly sweater that they wear all the time and you just wish it would disappear already, get lost in laundry or something. My dad has a purple sweater. I mean, it's not that ugly in comparison to other ugly sweaters, but still... My dad is more of a neutral, black and white, maybe a few dark blues, kind of dresser. Like father like daughter. So when he wears that purple sweater, it's like ugh... because to me, he stands out like crazy. Maybe to the outside world he looks normal and I'm just be dramatic...

3) So maybe his hearing is a bit weak... When he talks on the phone, he always talks super loud. When he's talking to me on the phone, I have to repeat what I said several times because apparently I'm talking too quietly. We would be at a restaurant or Starbucks or something, he'll get a call from someone, and when he starts talking, it's so loud, I feel like everyone in the room is staring at us. There's nothing I can do; I can't be like, hey, don't talk so loud, because that's mean, and he'll get annoyed with me for telling him what to do.

4) Hand gestures. My dad loves using hand gestures to get people's attention or to get me to understand something or when playing with my brother. If we're at a restaurant and we need the server to get the bill or something, but they aren't paying attention and can't see us, my dad would either wave his hand wildly as if saying hi to someone on the other side of the room, or make a big gesture of checking-the-bill to the server even though they're not looking. It's like dadddd... you're drawing attention to us... *puts face in hands out of embarrassment*.

5) My dad doesn't understand his iPhone. So when I'm explaining to him how to use it, in public and he doesn't understand, he starts getting frustrated at me for being frustrated at him for not understanding. (In the end, we're both frustrated at each other.) And as I continue to try to get him to understand, we're both half-whisper-yelling-and-talking. He's all like I ask you for a little help and you get mad at me, and I'm like I can't explain it to you any other way, why don't you just go to the Apple store for help?

That's all the embarrassing things I can think of. There are more, but they're not that embarrassing, it's only me getting worked up over nothing.

Though I find him quite embarrassing in public, I still love him. It's better when dads are embarrassing than when they aren't. When they embarrass you, at least it's out of love. Or for their own twisted entertainment.


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