Sunday 26 July 2015

Driver's test trauma

So... sadly I still have a learners permit at 18... I failed my road test and have to take it again.

Well, I didn't fail my test recently, it was last year. Last year September-ish, I took my road test and failed. Now I'm traumatized and have since not attempted another road test.

First off, I ain't going to pay money to fail again. That road test was way too expensive. I pretty much paid a ton of money to fail (yay me!). Why do they have to charge so damn much?

The real reason why I am traumatized is the examiner. She was the scariest person I have ever met. So I was sitting in the waiting area, and I watched all these people before me go up and meet their examiners. Everyone was super nice to each other. There was this one examiner who was really chill with his examinee. They were joking around while the guy was signing papers and organizing everything, and I thought, okay maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.

And then luck shit on me. My name was called and I walked up to the counter. I kid you not, the meanest looking lady (she looked young, maybe in her twenties, but her bitch face made her look older) walked up to me and in a deadpan voice said, "I'll be your examiner. Now sign here and here." She had the meanest, scariest glare I've ever seen; she looked me like I killed her dog. What had I ever done to her to make her hate me so much? She didn't even tell me her name. I was already off to a terrible start. I signed everything, and she told me to lead her to my car. But then once we left the building, she was leading me to my car. Like– I don't even know what to say.

We did all the pre-trip checks and questions, and then we were off. I drove out of the mall and she directed me to a little street. I practiced that morning, with my driving instructor, on that very road; so I thought, I got this. But when I started driving down the road, I noticed a construction/city service truck parked on opposite lane of the road. It wasn't there before. You know, whatever, I wasn't driving in that direction anyways.

Well, we went around a cul-de-sac and headed in the direction of the truck. The truck took up most of the lane. I had to go slightly onto the other lane (this was a two lane road). I checked everything: there were no cars behind me, there were no workers walking around the truck, and most importantly, there were no oncoming cars headed towards me. Okay, so everything was fine, right? No, wrong. I made it halfway past the truck when a car suddenly appeared in the oncoming traffic lane out of nowhere (I swear it literally came out of thin air). Since I was already almost past the truck and could go back into my lane, that car should have waited the two seconds for me to past before continuing. But no, the stupid-ass driver thought it would be me who would do the stopping (which wouldn't make sense because if I stopped for him, there would be no room for him to drive past). So now we were both heading towards each other. Just as I drove past the truck completely, the examiner yanked my wheel to the right (so that we were back in the right lane) and tersely said "you weren't supposed to do that." What the actual fuck just happened? That was so dangerous! We could have lost control and, I don't know... DIE! If she just gave me a second to fix the car's direction, we would have been okay. I was just about to go back into the right line when she yanked the wheel.

After that, I knew I failed. But she made me keep going (maybe I had a chance at redemption... but honestly, I don't think so). From the very beginning, all she said to me was "turn left at here", "turn right here", "park there", and the "you weren't supposed to do that". Nothing else. Being in the car with her was torture.

I didn't even want to turn too much to do shoulder checks to the right because I didn't want to see her witch face. That's also why I failed. But I promise, I did turn to check, just not so much so that I would have to see her face and so that I wouldn't twist my back.

I can't go back! If I get her again, I swear shoot myself on the spot (just kidding! But maybe figuratively shoot myself). My license is about to expire so I have to go back, but I'm terrified of that place and of the witch.


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